Com,7 The Remedies against this Sin. Ghap.7i 453 CHAP. VII. The remedies of this fin. 1. Chajfityof a frngle lift. 2. Matrimonial chaffity. The means to preferve us from dois fin. Of drawing others to keep. this Command- ment. NOwagainft thefe vicesthereare two vertues oppofed as remedies. T. Caf itas ccelibatus, chaftity of' a tingle life. 2. Caffitar conjugalir, matrimo- nial chaftity, both commendedby St.Paul. ,7 8 r. For the firfl, theres no doubt butit isbetter then theother, either, if we take Of chaftity: it simply, He that giveth not his virgin in marriage doth better ; or in regard of the verf.38 , prefent neceffity , which is to be thought upon ; for the Apatite would have men z6. to be without carefulnefs. But in a married elate , there is the care and The benefit trouble of a family to attend it; the that is married careth for the things of this of tngle life world. 32. Betides, the married mutt neither watch, nor faft,nor pray,at force times, without eachothers confent, which the unmarried may do freely, at their own will, without the confent of another. Betides, he that is tingle may better provide for himfelf; and (hall not need tobe chargable to others, which was one of theApoftles motives to preach the Gofpel freely, that he might not be burthenfome hereby altoa man may live more free from covetoufnefs, andexercife the vertue of liberality the bet- ter. And laftly,as the Apoftle urges,the unmarried may the better attendupon the Lord without dijfra2ion. They may be more confiant in adhering to Chrift, and fuffering for his caufe, more willingto die and to follow Chrift, Minus mali metuit,qui mi- nus deliciasgujfavit, he tears theevil of afiliëtion the lcfs, who bath had a leafs tafle of the delights. and pleafures of the world, whereas thofe so ;yd ouctxui natural af- fections of parents,and married perfons,beget in them a greater careof res familia.. res, their domeflical affairs, that theymayprovide for their children, &c. Whereby they are more wedded to the world , and more diflraáed in their devotions , and eafilier drawn from God and fromChrift. Forthefe reafons chaftity of tingle life is chiefly tobe defired. But if we cannot attain to the tirft, to cafiitas ccelibatus, then we mutt flie to the fecond which is caffitar conjugalio, conjugal chaftity, which is the remedy provided againft concupifcence. Nowthemeans of preferving our felves from this fin of concupifcence, we thus The meansto confider., preferveus r. Toknow, that it is not tentari, to be tempted, but uri, toburn, that the A- fromthis fin. poflle fpeaks againft. Not to be tempted, but to be fee into a heat, and inflamed. His meaning is not, that the gift of continency includes within it naturalem, áveu sn_ olea,privationemfenfus, privation of natural fenfe,but themotions of theflesh,he fhall have do what he can. .' The inwardboyling,uri, a man may examine thus. Caufesof in- s. Whether it be in him, as apunishment for fin , or onlyas a temptation (for ward burn - it is 'certain, that adultery,and unclean lulls are oftentimes, a punishment of pride.) ing The fpirit of whoredom isin the midlt of them ( faith the Prophet) and in the Hof.54a5 next verfe follows the reafon. The prideof Ifrael doth teftifie to his face. And whofoever can accufehimfelf of pride, he may well fear, that the fpirit of fornica- tion is inhim. St.Paul obferves,that when the HeathenRomansgrew fo proud,as to think them- Romh.zz: felves'wife,then God gave them over to uncleannefs ÿ eaaa; änµias,and to difhonou- 24. table affeótions s we feealfo inAdam, that when he wouldneeds be quaff Deus, as Gen.3.7. God, thefists punishment that 'came upon him for this pride, was his need of fig- leaves to cover the fhame of his nakednefs , God punishing thereby contumeliant fpiritun, with contumelia carne, the contempt of the fpirit , with the reproach of the flesh. 2. Again,there is"Acndla, a fadnefs or heavinefs in man concerning fpiritual things, 2 Sam,t t.a, an unluflinefs to goodexercifes. Hemaul firft sleep and then walk and fo he comes Oft