454 Chap.7. Remedies agalnft this Sin. Gom.7 juil to Davids cafe when he lulled after Bathlheba. A man mutt have pleafure in fome thing orother : and becaufe he bath it not in the fpirit, he will have it in thebody: and when he once feeleth it in him, then beginneth his mind evagari circa illicita to wander about unlawful things ; and fo by degrees there come in , firfl importunitar mentir, an importunity of the mind, then Sogyd defcre ; then xwyas, opportunity ; then ißgts, petulancias then áaaBp@, final deftru&ion. 2.If itbe a Tentation only, it proceeds from a caufe,either without, or within. Without. r. Company. If a mans eyes or hands offend him, he mull pluck them out, and cut them Off, much more muff he refrain the focíety of evil men, though they be as dear to us as our eyes and our hands. Be not among evil perms : For Modicumfermentum, a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. A man muff for- fake the companyof riotous perfons. Prov.5.3. 2. Pleating Obje&s ; as the allurements of the eye. In thiscafe the Wife man ad bifethwhat is to be done, Come not near the door of her houfe : we mull do as job Job.3t.t. did, Make a covenant with oureyes. Impera Evx ercave ferpentem, er tutus erir fed lutior fi lignum non afpexeris. CommandEve, and take heedof the Serpent andyou fhall befafe, but morefafeyou(hall be if you come not near the tree to look upon it. By the eye, men begin to love what they fee, and that lovewhich at firfi is pretended to be chalkand lawful , proves afterward lull ; fuch begin in the fpirit, but end in the flab. Therefore the Apoftle exhorts toadmonifh the elder women as mothers the r Tioo .z. younger as fitters, In omni caflitate, in all chattily: and St. Peter would have love to r Pet.3.2 be, cum omni puritate, with purity, and fo love as far asyouwill. But aman mull watch over himfelf, & vereri omniaopera fou, be jealous of all his works, becaufe it is rook certain, that naturally we arefisbafumfolum, fit foyl to receive the feeds of this Temprations without us. Mat.5.z9,3c. Pro v.23.25. r Cor,5.6. tPet.44. fin. Within. Either from the Body or theSoul. r. For the body, as by theeye flea, for by this member concupifcence receives its i Joh.2.i6. greateft watering. St.John calls it the lull of the eyes. And our Saviour faith, Who- Mar. 5.28. fever looketh uponawoman to lull after her , bath committedadultery already. St.Peter 2 Pet.z. t4. tells us,that there are eyesfulof adultery. So allowe fee, that by the eyes men have Cen,9.zz. fomented this fin. It is laidas a fault, that Cham looked upon his fathers nakednefs. Ab.z a5. Wo tohim,faith theProphet,that giveth his neighbour drink to lock uponhis nakedneß. The Devil, when he would work mankind a mifchief, uled this argument to our Gen.3.5. firft Parents to tranfgrefs Gods commandment, that their eyes fhould be opened. But our Saviours counfel is, ut claudantier, to clofe them up: becaufe that whatfoever Pfal tz paffeth the eye,affeEteth the heart. It is the broker of lull; and therefore let no man Prov. 4' lay, quidnocet vidii fe ? what harm Both it to fee > or asthey did in the Pfalm, con- Ecd. z. to; cerning their tongues ; fohere,we are Domino oculorum, our eyes are our own,wbo (hall control! us ? for the eyes of a fool (as the Wife man tellsus) will be ranging : and ivhatfever (faithSolomon) mine eyes de(ired, I kept not from them. Rui innocens afpi- cit, afpeElu fit nocens ; though a man beinnocent when he looks upon an ill objedt,it is rare, if he become not an offender by it. And non libet infpicere, (mod non beet con- cupifcere, it is not lawfulto look on that,which is not lawful to delire. But we ought PÌä1.119,37. rather to pray with David, Averteocular, turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity Job 31.r. and with holy Job, make a Covenant with our eyes. Can a man take fire in his bo- Prov.6.27. foin, and not be burnt. And as we ought tokeep our own eyes from this finful looking upon others, fo are we alto not to draw theeyesof others to filch unlawful looking upon our fèlves. For it is,Ejufdem libidinis videri err videre , to fee and to be feen , proceedfrom the fame lulls. It is all one, Emitterefuos, and adncittere alienas, To glancewith our own eyes, or drawothers to lookupon us. Now by the Rules of Logick,if the eyes are tobe reftrained, no lefs are the other Col.a:zr. parts ofthe body,as the hands, feet, mouth. Touch not, tafle not, handle not, faith the Mat.5.29 Apofile. For as Chrift laid, If thine eye offend, pluck it out: So in the Law, The Deut25.12. band that offended in touching the ferret partswas to be cut off. It was with the Epf;e f5t3, hands that Potiphars wife caught 7ofeph , when Ike faid , Lye with me. We mule therefore Pailumfasere, make acovenant with all our members. As with the eye and the hand, fo with the mouth and feet, and ears : For the tongue and ears,There is (as the Apoftic faith) uncleannefl not to be named,neitlrerto be fpoken nor heard. And let