Ccirn, 7. fie Rentedies against this Sin. , Chap 455 let no corrupt communicationproceed out ofyour mouth. The feet are offendersalto in this kind, in-palling to the houfe of a frangewoman , fo alfo may the whole body, if it lab too muchpampered, for impinguatum recalcitrat,when it waxeth fat,it is apt Deut.32.2q tokick. Therefore we mua caftigare corpus, keep under the body, to, make it chaff. ; i Cot. 9.27 there is Phyfickprefcrlbed in Scripture to thispurpofe labourandpainnfuinefs, avoid- ingof excefs in diet.and apparel : to be in hunger and thirl, in cold and nakednefs, 2Cor.t t.27 in watching and fatting, and to avoid excefs of fleep. 2. If it be from the foul ; flee fornication, and youthful lulls. SaintAmbrofes rule Cor,d,oI is, vide neingrediarkçonfhaum, ¡land nix refitting Or combating,but flie, and with- z Tim,z,zz draw thy felt from folitude, to good company. And together with this; becaufe it hath pleafed God , to make his word as a tree of life , and the leaves thereof as medicines for thofe that are foul-lick ; the reading of Gods wordwill be profitable for us in this cafe, efpecially if we read and meditate upon fuch places , as do exdiametro pugnare,flatly oppofe this vice. As in Gen,j8.2,o Genefis, where God accounteth this a very grievous fin, and that he hath appointed a remedy againft it, Marriage. And that he fuffers not a man to fall into it unlefs i C. he be angry with him. That it is fo infamous a fin, that it maketh a man as one of provor.z2.z14 the fools of Ifrael. Itbercaveth a manof his gifts. It is a bruitifh fin, whichcaufeth z Sam.13,13' a man to live like a beau : and as St.Hierom faith of it, deleaat in momentum,cruciat EPh418 tomen in sternum, it is delightful for a finali time, but will torment a man forever. Eof4, i8 Betides ill theft, we mutt ufe prayer. It is an efpecial fign of wifdom to keep Prayer, ones felt fròma ftrange woman. And wifdom is fuch a gift of God, as corned: not, Pro.za6 but byprayer. And if our ownprayers will not prevail, we mutt Peck other mens 6.24 prayers; Abraham prayed for Abime1ecb. We are to make our necellity herein known Ja.t,S'S to other men : and fay as Simon Magus did to Peter, pray ye to the Lord for me, and Gen.zo. t7 as Pbaroabdid to Mofer, entreat the Lórd forme.V,e f oli, nunguamautemmagu,quam A&.ß.z4 inhoc Vitio, woe to him that is alone, but moti of.all if he betempted to this fin.. Exod,9,2I And if all this will not lielp, but that there fill remains uffulatio, a burning, then there is a remedy provided for it, he mull know that he is called to enter into the ¡fate of Matrimony, which is anholy eftate, inlitutedby Godin Paradice. And this t Cor.7,y mull be the Taft refuge, to preferve continency thus by labouring to keep down the body, by avoidingexcels in diet, cafe, fleep, &c. andgiving our felves tofobriety, fa- lling, prayer, withwatchfulnefs and modefly in all outward things per raftitatemcæ- libem, Chaftity ina fingle life, or per caffitatem conjugalem,cheftity ina marriedelate, we may perform this commandment. The loftrule is, that as firft, we ought to give no ear to them that perfwade us to The loft rule this vice, but oppofe themwith all our might , for therefore the Ifraelites didby concerning Godscommand vex the Midianites, forlaying this fumbling block before them: fo others. in thenext place, wemull endeavour to perfwade others to the vertue of Chaftity, GeA 39.9 as Jofepb didhis Miftrefs ; and Tamar Ammon. Donot fo,for no fuck thingought. zSari l3.iz to be done in Ifrael, do nöt that this folly. fí