456 T H E EXPOSITION O F T H E Eighth Commandment. C FI A P. I. The coherence, and dependance of this Commandment, upon theformer. The objetl of it; the defre of Riches. The(cope of the Lawgiver, in refpe£O of, o. Himfe f 2. The Church. 3.The Common-wealth. 4. Privateperfons. Ofright andpropriety. How meum and tuam came in. Of right by firff occupancy, andprefiription. Eeafons for propriety. Of propriety, jure belli, four things included in propriety. Than ¡bait not Steal. VO precept() é carne tranfitur inmundum , By which Corn- The convex- mandment wepafs from the flefh to the world; from the ion and de- ,r-t - heat of young men, lull ; to the defire of old men , wealth. pendante of a From Baal-Peon the idol of the flefh, to Mammon the Godof andprecept the world. !Inworldlinefs and worldly dealing anilthefore Y g, whatfoever going, is prohibited or prcfcribed, is pertaining to this Command- ment, as all concerning thé flefh, in the former. e Th origi- q - which nal of the breach of this Commandment is from that, Saint John calleth conctipifentia oculorum , the lull of the i Joh.a.i6 eyes, as of the former Commandment, theluft of the flefh. Lev.i91 s The larger Expofition of this Commandment you may find in Levit. 19. Tr, 03. Luc.i2 is And from the35.verfe,to theend. In Exod.22.t -16. DHit.15.1 -22. In the Eph.q,a8 NewTefîament, byour SaviourinMatt. 5.42, &c. And more largely Luke 12. 14. ï lhef45, 6 and 46. Saint Paul fetteth down both the affirmative , and the negativeparts of it in one verfe,Let him thatffole, final no more; but rather let him labour, &c. And in another place,afterhe had expounded the feventli Commandment,hecometh to this, Let no man go beyond, defraud, opprefs,or Overreach his Brother. So that from thefeplaces and the like , ageneral equityof what (hall be handled in this Commandment is drawn. But we are to remember withal, what was faid in the beginning, that it is not the outward act it felf alone, not the civil theft of the hand, contrefatiorei alien, the touchingof others mens goods,which is meant here, but it is the mind alto that God dealeth with. Dews cor interrogar, non manum, God examines theheart, not the hand onely, for as there is notonlymanes adultera, fed car adulterom, an adulterous hand, but an adulterous heart too ; fo that there is not Only manesfur, but earlier iriaeas, alfo, as the Heathenman faith, the heart is a thief as well as the hand. The dependance of this Commandment upon the former two is veryexact :' for in the two former Commandments order was taken for the actions of that part of the foul, which is exercifed about nutrition and generation , or the delires that all men naturally have of meat,drink,and apparel forthe prefervation oftjtemfelves, ïn individuo, and to encreafeand propagate in the world , for the prefervationof theirfpecies or kind, for when there is adelire flir'd up by hunger, defiderium elicit mourn, thatdefire fitsa man a work, and becaufe for the prefervation of life, we need