Cóm.8. The coherence and(cope of this Commandment. Chap. r 457 need food and raiment, and therefore we fall intothat quellion, What Thal/ we eat ? 1 Tim. 6.8. or what(hall we drink?, or wherewith (hall we beclothed?Aod when we have children M '`'116 3' or potterity,we muffalfo provide for them, as part of our family : and fo by Conk- ' Tim. 5.8. quence every man is to labour and take care in this world, and that either propter na Ecc1.6 7 _Punt,for his own mouth,as the Preacher fpeáks ; or elfe (as the Apo:ìle).to [ay úpfor a Cur.tz. 14. his children.. Now fromhencearifeth this worldly, concupiscence, which is the Ob- jeét of this Commandment,and fo the Ordering of this worldly delire very fitly fol- lows the former. The end ofthis Commandment is to moderate that defire of Riches,which of it nit cnd.frbit felf isno lin,bút lawful and good; for as a delirefufcipere prolem, to have iffue in the commandment' right way is lawful (as we (hewed in the former Commandment) fo procurare necef fària,to provide neceffaries is no lefs lawful and good in this. But, as, in the former,, there is rafta delire, which is lawful, and. then we cotete reduplicare amorem, to double our love, by inordinate delires, which brings forth ,infaniam, madne(1 r fo here in this,there istirtl a delire ofthat whichis fufficient,and thenwe come redzspli- c.tre defiderium,to double that delire,and to covet forour vanities and pleafures, and from thence to double again,and to have for our unlawful defines and lulis,and fo wè fee how men come from flefhlinefs to worldlinefs,and withal] , how this Command- ment hangs upon the former. In the book of \N'ifdom, mans life is divided into two parts. a. The firti part is Wi(d i,t2. Ludus, ffort,or pastime ;..They counted (faith he) our life a paffime, and this part is afted by young men,whofe zeal is for pleafure and mirth,&c. . 2. The fecond is Nundinæ,afair, or a market, as it follows, Our time here is as a. market fur gain ; for,fry thy,wemuff be getting every way,tbough it be by evil means and this part is ailed by men,when theygrow in years ; for then their zeal for plea fare is gone:and their zeal is wholly for the world,then their life isa market for gain, and as the Apoftle faitls,rhey accotent godlineff to be nothingbut gain. Now then as at firff a mans appetitebath relation to the firft of theft, the pleafures and lulls of the 1 Tim 6 e flesh , fo fecondly,bccaufe (as theWife man faith) though fea(fs are made for laugh-, ter,and wineto make men merry : fedargentant reffondet omnibta,bút money anfz,er-_Eccl. ie 1p: eth all things ; which,as the Philofopher faith,is vnriç 6 m[r7eey,'ldejufhor proom- nibus,underfuretyfor every thing;therefore from thisfecond affeçtronarifethgtaaryvda, o,aaPy,,,' the love of money;& then,if they have money,they promife to themfelvesan dvaateeifa, love of noni an allfufficiency, that they fnall want nothing. And therefore the Poet Menander iheweth,that thecorns Amalthee, of which the Poets feigned fo much, was nothing elfe but money:for ifthat beonce had,there is no fear,but f!Aot, friends.ßoasoi,helpers, piliinit,witne .rc,.'aíontet,emnpany to dwell with us, and all will befupplied abundantly. And this perfwalion of (elf-futhciency, being thought a great part of felicity, is that which in the tirltplace makes men fo dote upon money : and then fecondly, there is Afrows,apower andgrandeur joinedwith it,as it is laidof Ifmael and his foes. Here- Gen.26.16. by mengrow mighty,andSolomon faith,that the rich mans wealth, is an high wall, prov.18.i,. anda flrong towerofdefence. Ifaacs growing rich,madeAbimelech fear that he would Gen.z6.16. growmightier then himfelf,and therefore entreated him to be gone. This then is thatwhich fetteth menfo forward in this courfe, becaufe they look to .x.>tk. find in money,afuaiciency,an dvlaçsHa,which becaufe they find not according to their expeétation,hence arifcth a delire ofmore,& fo comes in ,aiovebia,covetoufnefl, andde- fier ofmore:and as the heathen man obferved,when they have this 70.40',then theymull have anotherf+ov beyond that,and another beyond that,and foit trill proveth tdior- içfa.For this is the fuggeltion of theDevil,Ifyouhadmore it wouldbe better for, you, and the reafon that you are in no better cafe,is,becaufe you have too little. And fo man goes forward by degrees,till he come to that which the Preacher fpeaks of, He. Eccl.;, te. that loveth f+.lver(hall not be fatisfied with filver : and to be like the daughter of the. Prov.3o.'s. Horfeleach,that alwaycries, Give, give: and thus he either goeth on in infinitum, Eecl.q.8. and though he have none to care for, yet he ceafeth not to gather; vvhichhe defcri- beth to be a Monfler ; or elfe he returneth to the flesh again,for the natural conclufion of riches is that of e rich man, Ede,bibe, lade, Soul,eat,drink, and take thine eafe, thou haft enoughfo redit tanquam in circulo,he returns as it vvere in a circle.And Luke 12.19, thus we fee,that the gathering ofriches,hath either a monitrous end, when they are gatheredfor no end, or elfe they return to their natural end, to fatislìe the delires of the flesh. M m m Now