Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

458 Chart. The coherence and [cope of this Commandment. Come 8 ï Se f and Now the fcópe and airmthat God the Lawgiver had in giving this Command- end of tt,i ment is, that cvcry man may enjoyhisoutward estate ; for atter he had taken order c'mm::ndaou' about the prefervatiotrof his body-, as well from violence as impurity by the two füregòing Commandments, which concern his éffence, he comes here to that which men in the next place chiefly elleem,o/z.their wealthand outward eflate: and there- fore'God takes order here, that this may be preferred to them,. and that for divers rëáfons. r. f, refpea of I. In refpe& of himfelf, that we might be like him , in (hewing mercy anddoing o d, göed to others, that we may be able tocommunicate to the neceffrtfesof our neigh '43' - hours, by ads of mercy and love; for herein God propounds himfelf ina fpecial iñanner, as a pattern for us to imitate. Be ye merciful (faith Christ) as your heavenly Luke 6.36 father ismerciful. 2.1n rir, e£1 of r2. In refpedof the Church, which is Communie fanOorum, the Communion of the U nróh. Saints. St.Paul chargeth Timothy,fervare depofitumn, to keep that which was committed r Tim6.2o tq his :ruff. Chryffiome- faith, that not only Timothy,but every manhath one depofitum or other, whether be wealth, learning, art or flrength, it is his depofitum, and put 2 Cor.i2. i5 into his hands, to the end that he employ it to the benefit of the whole Body , that there may beacommunion of faints, in thefe outward. things, as well as others. reJ' tt e 3. In refpt f of. the Common-wealth, that outward peace may bepreferred, the còmmen. which is not only in preventing murder and bloodfhed, forbidden in the fixth Corn- wealth, , mandinent, but altoby preventing oppreffon and fraud , that every man may enjoy i Cor.6.7 his own, and by refiraining all injuries to any in their efiate , which is done by this Ma1r.22.21 Colsmatidment ;. for we ought rather to be ready to part from our own right than Tnn.5 +8 to do others injury. And in this regard, that we be able to give to Cefar that which ECay 10.2 1 Y Levu37 .2 i it-his,right, Tributeand Culfome. To the Labourer, his hire. And lardy, thePrieft Num. i8. i + hath a right, as appearsby the Law,by a flame for ever. They thatfow to us#iritua,( Rom.15,27 tbifge,muff reap our carnal things. q Inrelefl.ef' 4. Laflly, in refped of everyprivateperfon,this law is the fence of his potfeflions privatepertnJ thathe may enjoyhis own in peaceand eat the labour of bis hands , while he lives Exod.eap.2 , and when he dies, he may difpore of itto his children. 22.23 `Beforewe come to the things forbidden and commanded in thisPrecept, we molt Eccl.2.24 rivet treat of Rightand Propriety ;which isjuspefrefonis,and alfo ofAlienation,calléd aCl ú i28.2 b 'the Law ers ustranflationis,rightoftransferring of that a man poffeffes toanother 2 C°or.iz.r4 Y, Y 1 Bèèáufe thed'iltindion of Res aliene noffræ, of what belongs to another man, and what tóus, is the ground of the prohibition of this Commandment and theun- júfi taking 'and detaining of thatwhich it not our own is the matter of thisCom- mandment, comprehended under this word fleah and the objet of the delire here moderated is Menus (9,.Tieum, Mine and Thine. s. We muff know the meaningof the wordfurtum,flealtb. The Civil Lawyers definefurtum, ffealth, or furari,tosfeal, to be rem alienam con- wave, to lay bands unjuffly on thatwhich is another mans. Divines go: further, and fay that it is theft, Confentirefraudulofe rontreíaationi rei alien.e, tocontent tothefrau- dulent laying hands on that which is another mans : and in the handling of the tenth 'Commandment, we ihallfee, that 'do'xcupifcererem alienano eft furari , even to covet another mans goods, is tdfieal. 75e original Bùt how cotrieth it topafs, thatthere is Res mead- uliena, mine and ebene , or a of propriety propriety of goodsin one and not in another. Certainly the earth is the Lordsfas thePfalmill fpeaks.) And the land is mine (as he Pfalrn 24.1 Levia25.23 hurifelf, tellsus.} Arid as theland and. the earth, fo every beaff of the forreff is his. 4íl Plain 53.10 the._teorld and the Creatures in it are-the Lords t he is Lord Paramount : and withal - thePfalmift tellsits, how mencurie tohave propriety in things ; for after God had r +5 i6 'tirade all,Ceeleem CælorumDomino,eerrain vero deditfiliia hominum,The.heavenof hea vens is. the Lords, he referves that for himfelf, for there his throne is placed : butthe earth hegave to the children of men; fo that there God gives over his right to the, earth, to the fogs of men, thatis, he communicates and derives a fecondaryright to-n)an., whereby he is not only alit frulluarine, but alfo Deminus, he loath not Orly the tifc of the world and the things therein , but alfo a right fo that he is truly Lord and Owner, but yet God bath the original right fill in himfelf, he re-: ra-air`s Lord Paramount, even of what he loath given to the foes of men. The then,