,Co¡x.8. ih coherence and/cope óf this Cornmdnidmtht. Chapr E 461 them at wer0'inprifon, and by this did,grant that the faithful had. a propriety in their s; bywhich they might be charitable ,. and benificent to the needy. For take away propriety, and take away all benificence , and alms.. Out of a corn- mon.ftock , a particular man cannot be laid to give that which is his own: And Saint Paul teacheth rich men how to imploy their wealth , and diret`teth the 1 Tim.6.1%. Corinthians what proportion, they (hall lay afide for the poor , out of their r8: Oates. 1 Cor,16.2. In the A6ts we read of many that had the difpofing and ufeof their own eflates, as of Tahitba that was full of good works , and almsdeeds , witnefs thecoats and Aß y36, garments which themade for poor widows. Cornelius the Centurion likewife was adevout man, and gave muchalms. And thefe good works cannot be conceived 59' to be done., but out of that , which they pofleffed, as their own. Si. Paul faith, 1o.33. he never coveted any mans bluer, or gold , or apparel. We find alfo many of the Math.2j.g7, faithful to have been rich, as jofeph of Arimathea ; and Lydia the feller of purple as Candace:, Eunuch. Divers other teftimonies might be produced, but thefemay 8.27. ferve fufficiently to prove a propriety of poffeflions and goods ed be lawful forChri- lams. Betides thofe original waies of propriety, there is alfo a propriety , by the right of war, or law of Arms , becaufe the Magifirate hath power and authority in divers cafes thofe his (word abroad as well as at home, and may punith a forraign enemy in thine cafes, even by expelling him his land. It is true , that the Apoffle Rom.12.13 counfelleth, if it bepotlible, as much as lyeth in you, have peacewith all men , but not longafter, headdeth, the Magiftrate beareth not the fword in vain. Saint Au- guffine upon the war of the childrenof Ifrael againft the nationsthat oppofed their paffage into Canaan, faith, Necbelli per Malingeffa miretur quit aut borreat, quia in illis divina fecutus imperla, non faviens fed obediensfuit. Let no manmarvel or be aftonifht at the battles fought by Mofes, becaufe in following. Gods ,command, he was not cruel but obedient. Now by thefe battles he conquered land from ma-. Deut,2.24. ny nations , as from the Amorites , which we faw even now were held to the Pfal.1o5.44; time of Jepbthab and long after. And the Pfalmill tells us in general terms, that Gen.48.21. God gave them the lands of the Heathen. We fee that long before Mofes's time Jc s'Sam.8.3. 5acob bequeathed to Jofeph, that whichhe had gotten fromthe Amorites ,'jure juffi r.z7.36,. Belli, withhisfword andhis bow. As alfo David conquered the land of the Phi- Wilms. And Godgave the kingsof Edom, Moab, Ammon andTyre to his ("a- vant Nebuchadnezzar, as the Prophet fines him. Lardy , 3eboafb recovered from Benbadad,thecities which he had taken out of the hand of his father, by war. And fo muchof the right of propriety. And inthis Jus proprium, Right of propriety,or having athing thus proper toones felf, are included four things. Four things r. Hehath not onlyDominintri, theLordthip anddominion over it,butVfem,the ufe in propriety. alfa : as a Man may ufe his Horfe to rideon, or the like. 2, He bath Frullum, the fruit andprofit of it, as ingoods, fo in lands. The Shuna- mite having,left her houle andland , becaufeof Elifha's prediction to her of a Fa- mine, at her return was notonly reftored to it bythe King, but to themeanprofit of. it alto from the time the had left it. 3.Next he bathConfumptionem, theright offpendingthat hepoffeffeth.The Preacher faith, It isgood, &c. toeat anddrink, and enjoy thegoodof all bio labour, &c. for it is his portion. And we fee inthe Gofpel,rhe woman (pent all that the had to recover her health, thus aMan may kill his Horfe orany other Beaft. 4. Lafily, he hash Alienationem, right ofalienation;as by fclling,or giving it away, he may eitherretinerekeep it, or transferre,difpofeof it to another , andthat either ffeely,or upon a valuable confideration. r.In the parable of the labourers, the Lord Math;2o.1,. of thevineyard faith to one of them, licet quadlibet facere, itis lawful for me to do what I will with. mine own. And the Prophet faith, that not thePrince himfelf E2ek,46.18. ¡hall take away any mans inheritance, nor thruft himout of poffeffion. 2. He may transferre in pofieros, leave it tohis pofterity. The fame Prophet tells us, That if the Princeendow a man with potfeflions, the inheritance thereof fhall bebisfons , it fhall be their pofe on by inheritance. And to that purpofe it was,that Godprefcribed rules for it. The father in the, Gofpel tells his eldeft fon ( after he had given his youngeíì