Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

4 4 Cbm,8 . Of the defire o Riches, &c; Chapz; unto T. The enjoyingof the end it Elf. 2. The means which tend to the enjoying of that end,thcxe mutt be therefore (faith Ariiforle)a divifion of the facúlty,adouble delire, a double love, or a double concupifcence , becaufe there are two things, of which, one is greater than another: the heft is the end, viz.God and eternal happi- rcfs in him, of which we defire the fruition. The fecond is the means; which we do gppetere, defireas theymay blether us to the end. Therefore the end being the greater of the two, the love of that mull be Prior ea. Major,(irft and greater than the love of the means, to wit , the things of this if , which mull be defïred in the fecond place, and in ordine ad fpiritualia, only in order to our fpiritual and eternal good. 2. For the meafure. As in Phyfical admini(tringofmedicines to the Body,there is, a certain quantity and meafure prcfcnbed, which if it be leffened, it purgeth not all the peccant humour ; if it be more , it not only purgeth that humor , but fome- what which it fnould not purge ; fo in the affections and appetite of the foul : there is in fome a defire of theft things, which is defeélive , and too carelefs , as in idle perfons, or lath as out of a fuperftitious conceit, or otherwife, count it unlawful to defire them, or look after them. And in Come other there is fuch an immoderate and exceflìve defire, and affc ion to worldly things, more then there (hould be, that they will forget their duty to God, rather than neglect them; fuch are called pro- phaue perfons in fcripture, and likened to Efau , who would forgoe his birthright, his bleilingwhich God did bellow upon him, for a mefs of pottage. . Therefore it is very expedient, that we take the meafure fiat, what we may delire. And that we may do after this order, ífulestoms. t. Remember that Which The Apoflledirectsus to, ' rarsAaoroyác'ÿenem4µa,u, derate our having food and rayment be 'therewith contented. A contented mind is a great trea- defires. fure and if God bellow no more uponus thenthefe, we mull not murmur for want Tim.6.8 of fu erfluities : for God, as he hath plenty p plenty wealth, of fpirit fo he hath of jud.ió and could have made all men rich, if he would. And it was out of hisgreat wif- dom that he made tome poor, that asthe rich might havepremium benignitaris,the reward of their beneficence, fo the poormight have mercedempatientii, the recom- pence:of their patience , as Saint Ambrafe faith ; and fo as Salomon faith , the rich and poor meet together, for the Lord is the maker of them both. Therefore every man is to cell contented, if God (hall call him no higher,nor bellow more uponhim, he mull avoid diftradingcares, which breed noyfom lulls, when he fees Gods will and pleafure, and thus hemull (land, then, as the Apolile alludes to the gathering of ECd.86. '8 Manna, he that gathereth much (hall have nothing over, and he that gathereth little 5 fhall have nothing Icfs , when they die. This is therefore the fir(t rule concerning themeaGre to be obferved, we mull not delire mores nor Peek to rife higher than God will have us. lieb.13 2. Though we mull be contented Withour eflate, yet is it lawful to gather in Sum- Pro S mer, and to provide a amll Winter, which care theWife mancommends in the Ant, rov' and letsbefor us for urimitation, toprovideforthefuture,byallhone('andlawful means, with a lober and contented mind. 3. A man may defire more, and take care for thole that belong to him, and thus when he feeth his houlhold increafe his care in providing for it ought to be the more provided ; that his delires be ftill limited with the former conditions. He muff provide for his houlhold with 3acob,that fo he and they maydrink out of their 1'' own cilleros, and not be chargeable to others, but rather ut babeat fontes yaz deri- z Corsi ,.13 venzurforis, ut tarnen ju(le ipforum domino f t , that he may have wherewith to be liberal to others, yet have enough to live of himfelf. > , od , i 2 4. Lately, a man may lawfully delire to have , not only for himfelf, and his fa- znily, but alto vvherewith to pay his half fhekel, his offering to the Lord ; to help 22'8 t the Church: to pay tribute to the King, tobe beneficial to the Common-wealth , to --Y 4- relieve the poor Saints, andothers that have need. Thus far if lawful means beufed , and a lober mind kept , the meafure is kept. But if we go beyond this, then we come to that which the Apoille calls ¢taapyutím the loveof mossy , which is the root of all evil, from which root there branches fpring. i. Murmuring, that others are in better condition than our (elves. As the I(ì-aelites, when they wifnt they had tarried in Egypt, they preferred the life in Egypt