Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

jòrn, 8, Of Alienation; and thefeveralforts thereof. Chap . 46 Egypt,before that in defecto, in the wildernefs. The fleíh pots of Egypt before the Manna, that God gave them from Hcaven. 2. Difquietncfs and over-caring; and taking thought, Duid comedam ? quid edam ? quid induant ? whatThal Ieat ? whit Mari.6 pall I drink? wherewith (hall Lbe cloathed? This diliraéting care , this file µvx, which divides the foul is incident to rich men, when-they have much. The rich man in the Gofpel, thoughtwithin himfelf, what fhal Ido ? 3. It breeds a neft of Horfe- Luke 12. t 5 leeches and worms, that have lie scum bifulcam,a cloven or forked tongue, that cry, Prov3e.l give,give: and tende habeant nibil refert,fed oportee habere; it skills not howwe have it,but have it we mull : and in this there coniif s that Suppuratio concúpifcentia a fetteringof thedehre. -Now, in the next place for themaking offubatlum f lusñ, the foyl fit, the way is, abalum f- to carry a bigger laie than we are able to bear: by fpending more thanwe are able, , and walling plus gotalt opus eft , more than needs. For by this means men fall into want, whereby they become fit foyl for the Devil to call inhis feed;` for. the Devil findinga man tobe thus fitted,moveth him to health andother unlawful praétices. In the parable of the prodigal , we fee that the prodigal fell into riotous company, amongft wailers &fie di ipavit patrimonium, and fo he wafted his fubflance. If a gun follow filch company, they will fet himfupra analogiam,above his allowance, he muff fpend diforderly till all begone, and then he faith, as they in the Proverbs, Come with, us, let us lay wait for blood , let us lurk privilyfor the innocent without caul ; let usfivallow them up alive as the grave,&c..WYepall findprecious fubffance,we Thalfillóùr hoafee znithJfoil e a. TheMertes or Jaundife of this vice is likewife difcoveredby the eye. Ahab law Jflerus Mote a thingwhich ftrved for his turn, and lay well for him,and he was lick till he had it; E ,. :2i thbughhe had enough of his own: and when he could not obtain it by lawful g means, he made, a fh'iftto getit by wrong,even by the bloodof an innocent. For the foamingof it at the mouth, there be many of the fpeeches of fuels men, Foamingat the Mentioned by the Heathen. Menander is full of them : and much to this purpofe is Éd b,,* ï In the book of Ecclefiaftes and in theWifdom of Solomon. They faywifdom isgood, but with au inheritance ; and as wifdom, fo mony is a defence,&c. o;' the alt Concerning the act it felf of theft, forbidden this Commandment. bidden. The feveral wales whereby men become guilty thereof; we may conceiveby tlsofe feveral ufes of wealth, which we faidwere lawful; which are by. Lawyers and Di- vines reduced to thofe two. t.Theattaining orgetting ofriches. z.Theufe ofthem. In the Mil, refpei is to be had to justice : in the fecond both to juttie and charity, for as we Paid before, they are given us, not only for our felves, but as the Apostle 2 Cor.9,ii faith, for theexercife ofour liberality towards thofe that want ; and:fo we find in pear. is. s s, the Law, that God took order, thatout of the fubftance of the rich , the Levite, ,a Stranger,Widow and Poor, fnould have their portion. Theft therefore is committed, r. Either in the attainingand gettingof wealth and riches, from whence is ssáots acquifitio, pof lio. 2. Or in the ufe and difpenfation of thatwe have gotten, which is íe:s, afiar. Forhe isfur alieni, qui totali acquirit, a thief to another mansellate,that gets an citate unjufily : and heisfurfui qui male atitur, a thief to his own that ufeth it ill. And therefore in the getting theremuff be a refpei.of juflice: and in theufe and difpenfation, theremull bea regard both of jutlice and charity. C H A P. Iv. Of u.njuft getting in general. Thè kinds of unjuffgetting. a.By rapineand violence. 2.By fraud. The first is either underpretence of authority, or without anypretence. Thefor-, r.For a many own benefit.In-timesofwar,or in times ofpeace : and thisis ei- ther ky power or authority, or bypretence of Law. 2. For his Neighboursdetriment.Vn- fufi gettingwithout any pretence of authority or Law, is eitherpiracybyfea,or Robbery by land. The affirmativepart, r.Tbat every one have a lawful calling. 2.That he labour in it. Of Theft committed in getting Wealth, inacquifitione. rirings in the beginningby the Law of nature were common,and line, though ofanjrflgd ngs have gotten a propriety ( as aforefaid ) in them , yet in cafe of extream' ti s ¡UUentr°I N nn necetlìty