Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Côm. S. Vnjufi getting by Rapine or Violence: Chap.5 46 Nowbecaufe the Apofìle fettingdownthe Affirmative part of this precept , re- quireth two things in every man : i. A calling. 2.. And fecondly, to labour in that calling ; Let every man labour and work withhis hands , the thing whichis good : zThe.2Sto and that he will not have any man eat, that will not work ; we will fpeak of them that have i. no callingat all, or elfe 2. an unlawful calling, or that have'3. an un- certain calling; or laftly,..that have acalling,but live idlely in it ; all which are fins againft thisCommandment. I. The fdrft are, 2uibus nulla vocatio, they thathave nocalling at all , fuch as the OF filch as civil law divides into, Beggars or Rogues, and fuperfluous Gentlemen , as the one have no cal.;, ought not to live, precario, by begging , for as much as in us lies, there mull be no gig; 4 ' beggar in Ifrael ; fo theother , becaufe they are idle and will not take pains in a calling, are againft the publick good of Mankind. In Paradice , our fir! Parents Gen.2.15 were placed in the eaft part of Eden ut operarentar, that they might drefs and keep 3.19 the Garden, out of Paradice they were to eat their bread in care, or in the fweat of their brows, which thefe mendo not ; and therefore are thieves, and are juftlyhere ranked amongft them. a. The fecund are, , uibus vocatio mala, that have an unlawful calling,anddo that which is either altogether evil,fuch as Demetrius the lìlverfüiith,who made Diana's A&.19.24 (Brines. And fuchare they that were prohibited by Gods law : Harlots, Bawds, and Deut.23.17, keepers of Brothel houfes, or elfe that which isvain or unprofitable. As thofe that t8 ufe curious Arts, Fortune-tellers,G Lies, u lers, Stage-players, and the like and Lev.l9.29 Y.P J g 26 thefe are no better than the former, God putting no differencebetween nequam and 31 nequaquam, an idle fervant, and no fervant, an ill calling, and no calling,is all one in Ads 1949 the light of God. 3. The next are , Quibue incerta vocatio, they that have an uncertain calling, that are fo fickle that no calling will pleafe them long. They are like awheel,ever turning. The Apoftle gives a ruleoppotdte to this , Let every man walkin thefame Pfal.83n3 vocation wherein he was called, and let him meddle with his ownbufnefs, for while ' Cor.7.ze hecannot fettle hiimfelf, and follow conftantly that vocation whereunto God bath t ThefL4.I called him,and whereinhe may live chearfully,and ferve God faithfully,he fallsinto poverty, Godnot giving a bleffing to fuch inconliant people; but (as the Pfalmiff Pfal83 53 faith) they becomeas Bubble before the wind, and as it is in our Proverb , they are like the rolling Bone,that gatherethno mots. 4. The IA are they, Zuibus eft vocatio fed in ills otiofe vivitur ; That have a cal- ling, but live idlely in it 2uibus Indus negotiatio, whofe labour is inplay and idle- nefs, that Beep in harvelt, thefe are oppofite to the Rate of mankind both in and out Ptov'to.9 of Paradice, as we {hewedbefore. Andas at the firft, the Lordappointed that man fhould be a labourer , fo at the la!, when he thall give his hire and reward, he will fay to his Reward noca operarios, vïis 43,4r es, call the labourers, and give them their hire ; fo when he cometh to pu- Matt.zo.8 nifh, he willnot only punilhfervum flagitiofum, thewicked fervant, but alto,fervurn Matvz534 otiofum& inutilem,ideft, fuperfluam creaturam,the idle and unprofitable fervant,that fuperfluous creature, and call him intoutter darknefs. C H A P. V. The fecond way of unjull getting, viz. by fraud, or daft theft ; thelawful wades of ae- gniring: a. By gift. 2.By inheritance. 3.By induftry, whereinare to be valued, r.La- boue. 2.Hazard. 3. Charges. Ofright,by damage. Ofmony, the meafure of cantrads. Clot: theft ís, 1.In contratas.2.Dut ofcontratls.ln contrade, is t.Byfelling that which cannot be fold,as,thegifts of thefjsirit, things annexed tofpiritual offices, things confer eratsl t, God, as benefits,loan ofmany ,&c. 2.WYhen there is not a proportion between lab o 'i p:xmium. buying and felling, inreffell of; r.fhemeafurez.714 com h 3.1110 price. 9 E irenow to come to the fecond part of unjuft getting,which is by fraud,or ciofè theft, whichis properly and ufually called Furrum , theft. But &It we mutt {-1:w tae lawful wades of acquiring, to which theft is contrary. r. A