4j2 Cot .8. The lanful viesof Acquiring. Chap,5á z. As theft may be committed in thofe contraes, where there is Labor & præmi- um, labour and reward; fo in thofe other, where there is precium é?-res appreciata, !n hayingand as inbuying and felling , wherein are to be contidered ; r.Atenfura, the meafure. filling. 2. Merx, the commodityfold. 3.Precium, the price. In all which a theft may be committed. 1.76c meafure i. For the meafure,if we thereby underf:and,that which is the meafure of all com- viz,moay modities and their valueviz.Mony.flere'may be a kind 'of thcft,either by corrupting the meafure,when .men do adulterare pecuniam, counterfeit mony, or mingle a baler Efay 1.22 fubltancewith the mettal, whereby as the Prophet complained , The f lver is become drag; contrary to which was Abrahams practice, who when he bought the held of Ephrose, He weighedhim 400fhekels of filver,currant many with the Merchant. Or by clipping and leffening it In the weight or quantity ; for Godappointed under the law, that the fhekel Ihould be of juft weight, containing 20Ç erahs. Whofoever therefore do adulterate many in the qualityor goodnefs,or leffen it in the weight or quantity, makea general difproportion in all contracts , and bring in an univerfal confùfion, commit theft, and in civil focieties are punifht Vt Bete majeftatis reos , as men guilty of treafon. Again, if by meafure, we underfland that ftandard Whereby the commodity to be fold is to be meafured, to leffen or falblie, this is theft ; and therefore the law com- mands a juft weight and ballante : and the Scripture faith, that falle ballances , and diverfe weights or meafures, are abomination to God.Butthis properly comes under the next branch,when.the buyer iscouzen'd,in the quantity of the commodity which is fold. 2. The comma- 2. For the Mers, the commodityfold , theft may be here divers waies commit- drty. ted. lathe lid, I. In the fubflance of it, if it be falle or counterfeit , or mingled and mixt with flame. other things. The Prophet Amos reproves them thatfold quifquilias frugum the Amos 8.6. refufe of wheat ; and Efäy (peaks of wine mixt with water. Thus the wares may be lay i. y corrupted in the fubttance. Levit.19,24 2. In the quantity, itis plain theft, when a falfe weight, or a deceitfulballante is Prov.2o.oc ufed, whichSolonion faith, are an abomination to the Lord. & n.1 3. In the quality , when there is force fault in the commodity , which the feller '1'6y' knows,and either declares it not to the buyer, or abates not the price - accordingly: this is theft, condemnedby the Councils, as turpe lucrum,filthy lucre, and forbidden by God himfelf, under the name of deceit, or falfe dealing, Levit. 19. a a. Tfhali not Jleal, or dealfalßy,re. Mannerof 4. Laftly in themanner of utteringit. When the feller takes advantage of the ig- uttering. norance of the buyer, and feeks to over-reach and deceive him. 7acob would have his Eons to take no advantage of an over-fight in another,when they found their mo- Gen.43. tz ny in their tacksmouths, Take double many with you, and carry it again inyour facks, Levit.19.1 perhaps it tea-an overfight. The Prophet reproves thofe thatdevifed how they might Jer.9.5 go beyond their Neighbour; and the Apo(tle exhorts, See that no man go beyond or Theff,4,6 defraud another, wì i*ßaíy.m ; and he gives afpecial reafon, for God is the avenger of alifuch; though they may deceivemen, yet they cannot deceive God. This is all Like 19,8 one with Stellionatus, grail couzening , filch as Zacbeut had been guilty of, and con- feffedat his converfon, promifng to make four fold reflitution , as knowing elfehe could not be forgiven byGod:' éí me. iavuogsiP1seu, If I have over-reached or conze- nedany, I reflorehim fourfold. 3.714price. 3. Forthe price ; herein alío theft is committed, when the price is not given, but men workupon the ignorance or neceflity of one another ; for men mull not think when they come to buyand fell, that they come to a fpoil, where they may catch what they canget: Solomon reproves thofe that difpraife a commodity, of underva- Prov 20.14 lue it for their own advantage; It is naught, it is naught, faith the buyer, but after - .Amos 8.6 wards, when he is gone, he boafieth of his penny-worth. And the Prophet pro- nounceth a woe againft thofe thatfell the needy for !bore; which is by Expofìtors laid to be, When menbeing in need, fo that they mull have mony upon any terms , the buyer will wring them fohard,that they(hall have life or nothing for the ware.This Micah 7. z theProphet Micha calls Hunting our brother with a net. Such frauds astheir are fe- verely forbidden in Scripture: under the Law,whofoever had deceived hisbrother, was