çhap,6, Of heft committed out of Contráis. Còmi8á was to make reffisution,and to adda fifthpart in the day of his trefpafs ofering. , The Levit.16.5 Pfahnil tells us, None Ihall be admitted to hand in Gods holy place, whobath fworn deceitfully. Nay fo far we mutt be.from this, that if any fusear to hisewn.hurt , he Pfal.244 :. mu4fnet change: AndSt. Petermakes it anote of our new birth, to lay afide all guile I Pét and t5,r.. onl,w. s.r ärma4 os,Laying afde allguile,&c. <a.c C H A P. vI. . Of theft out of contraeis. This is t. In the family by r. Purloyning. z. Mifpending. 3.Idleneff. 4.Wthdrawing onesfelf from fervice. 2. Without the family, is r, Of things confecrated by Sacriledge. z. Of things camnzon,and share either publickor private. Of theftperfonal and real. The aggravation of theft in regardof the poor,&c. Againft enclofng of Commons. The conclufion about unlawful getting. Ow of thefts that arewithout contrae, thefe are either Domeffica, within the family, or forinfeca, without. r. The tirft,ot,or within the family as abad fervant. For Fur domefficue,furma- ximus ell, the dometiick thief is ever the greaten thief; and thereafon is, becaufe of the unithe receives. And fuch an one may be a thief thefe four waies. r. Intervertendo, by purloining their mailers goods, or (according to the fenfe of T$s.to the word)by turning the profit out ofhis , into their own purfes. This was the Luke t6.6 unjuft Stewardsad, and Gehazi's; and the text faith, that Judac(oneof our Saviours z Regs.zz; Difciples i was a thief, becaufe he diverted privily fomewhat to his, own ofe, out of Jo.12.6 the bag : this is furttsm dontefficum, theft within doors. 2. Dipando, by waflingandmif-fpending. his goods, in drunkennefs, riot, and Deut.21.20 other excefs : Like,that fervant, that in his Mailers: abfence began to (mitehis fel- Provz9.3 lows, and to eat, and drink,and to be drunken. And theprodigal fon, that fpent his Luke s6.t fathers elate upon Harlots. 12'45 3.7orpeudo, by confirming his elate, by idlenefs : this is Fur /aborts, one that ideals Epf..6. his labour from his Matter, and by that means waleth'his elate. For fervants (hould Luke t7.y not do eyefervice anly,or that which they are commanded alone,for that isnot thank- worthy ; butlabour faithfully, and beas provident for their Maters, as they fhould be for themfelves,but if inlead of doing faithful fervice , they grow negligent and idle, they arewithin the compafsof the breach of thisCommandement. The Wife man faith, that He that isflothful in his work, is wren the brother of him that is a great Prov, t8.9 wafter, and thall receive thafdoom, Thou wickedand (lotbful fervant, &c. Caft that Mat,25.26,3o unprofitable fervant into utter darknel,&c. 4. Lally,Subtrabendo feperfugam, by withdrawing himfelf fromhis Mailers fer- vice,and becominga fugitive, robbinghis Mailer of his fervice ; for a fervant is part Eccl.s.p of the Mailers poffclions. ThoughAgar Cerved ahard Miftrefl, and thereupon left Gen.r6.6i9 her fervice, yet the Angel tent her back, and bad her humble her felt And though St.Paul could have beencontented to have retained Onefimus, yet becaufe he was Phi- Phil;t3 lemons fervant, from whom he had fled, he returned him back things confecrated to God,and this is called >btft witho ii Theft without the family is either of Sacriledge. st, family, things commonand prophase, s.tcriledgc, r. For the fief ; therewas aLaw for it,That ifany thould by ignorance take away thingsconfecrated or holy, to God he fhould bring a trefftafl offering. The Apollo Lev.5.i5 matches it with idolatry, Thou that abborreff idols dolt thou commitfacriledge. God Rom.z,z2 himfelf immediatelypunil t this tin, in Ananias and Sappbira, and that with capi- tal punifhment , with death, and .that a Cuddendeath , giviìignò time for repen- tance ; thereby to fnew how he hated this fin , and whit a fevere avenger he is of it. It is noted of Abimelech (though a King.) that Iie took fivcnty pieces of ¡liver judges 9.4 Nit of the temple of an Idol, bis God Baal -berith ; and what followed appears in the fame Chapter , fIe was Hain by a Woman with a piece of militaste which broke his feu'''. Arhaliah the teen, withher foes , had broken up the boufe of the Lord, ,v.53 0 o o and