476 Chap.7. Of Afi getting. Corn b; it godlineß: gaingot by any means they count lawful, let men fay what they will they applaud themfelves in their unjuft gains s like the Heathen that ¡lid Let me have thetnony in my bag, and let the people call me piller and poiler , or what they will. But in the nextverfe he thews the pradticeof jufl getting , when a mapcan invertthe propolition, and fay, thatgodlinefiis gain ; accounting only that the true gain, which is got in the wayof godlinefs. This is indeed the true gain, which is got according to Gods prefcript, not by mansover-reaching ; whena man can fay Gep.43. r2 concerningall his gettings,as Jacob did toLaban ; call me to account when youwill Gen.30.33 Cras refpondebit pró me jujlitia mea, my righteoufnefs fhall anfyver for me in time to come. Of a f üaüon. Now though to this vertueof julf getting , it belongs , to keep and preferve us from evil and unjuft dealing yet becaufe the World is Lull of it, and molt men have mentor; madam, a corrupt mind, and run on in an unjp(t courfe of acquiring, till the confcience be touched and awakened, whereby they are flopt. Therefore to this muff be added a fecond vertue called Reffitution , which is abfolutely neceffary if 'a man have over-fhot himfelf in the way of unjuft getting. It is one of the moll frequent and principal common places throughoutthe Fa- thers. St.Augufline fets down this for a Canon , Non remittitur peccatum, zifi re- flituatur ablatum, the finof an unlawful purchafe , or getting, is never pardoned, unlefs reftitutionbe made of what is unjufty got. The ground of this is laid both in the Old Teftament , and in the New. In the Old, God appointed, that he that had trefpaffed againft his Neighbour, fnould idumb.5r7 confefl his fin and make recompence, adding a fifthpart more. Agreable to which is Job.zo.i 8 that fpetch of Zophar, before the Law, He (hall reftore hislabour anddevour no more accordingt o hisfub(fancefhall his reftitution be, &c. The realm is added in the next verfe , For be bath undone many, and fpoiledboufer that be never built. Andas thiswas known before the Law, fo we find it prafdifedunder the Law. For after the return from Babylon , when divers had oppreffedtheir poor brethren by ufury, Neh.9, t 102, Ste. Nehemiah gave order, That they jhould ref ere their lands, and vineyards, and 53 houfes, and the hundredpart of themany, the wine and the oyl which they exaEiedof them. And they laid, We willre(lore and take nothing of them : Whereupon he cal- led the Priefts and took an oathof them , that they diould do according to this pro- mife. AndNehemiah /hook bit lap, andPaid, Godfhake everymanfrom his houfe and from his labour, that performs not this promife,&e. to whichall thecongregation fáid, Amen. k'om.13. 17 IF wecome to theGofpel, St.Palol gives a general rule , to render to every man his Luke 19.8 due ; and in the repentanceofZacheus,this was one part, which he publickly protefis he would perform,7bat if he hadwronged any man by couzenage , forge)), or fal(hood, he would regime bimfourfold. And as Reftitution mutt be of goods unlawfully gotten, fo alto there is a Retlitution to be made of fome things , which are got by a lawful contraét. r. As firft of things which belong to another,by donationor free gift, they mutt Deut.2 1.1ç; be reftored. God takes order, that the inheritance (hall be given to the fief born,though 16 he wereby a wife not beloved, becaufe of right it belongs tohim. 2. Of things whichare committed to our trait, theDepofitum mull be reftored. Exod,zz.7, . So under the Law, If any mandid deliver mony to his neighbour to keep, or Ox, or to Aße,éc. he mull make reftitution to the right owner, or elfe there Is.a violationof buftice. Andwith thefe Depofitarii to whom things are committed in truft, are likewife tobe reckoned, Fiduciarii (as the Civil Law calls them) Trull-cm, loch as are put in tiltwithchildren and their eftates, while their parentsare living, or Tutors and Guardians after they are dead. They mull make account for the Depofitum, the thing committed to their charge. For the latter, we have the example of Mordecai,en- Eulier 2.7 tinted withHeller, his Uncles daughter, the text faith, he brought her up, as if the had been his own child, which is the utmofl that could be expelled. And for thofe that have charge of children during their parents lives, as Malletsand Tutors, they muff according to that of Solomon, utter and write to them many times excellent things in counfeland knowledge,&c. They mull diligently readto them,and inftru, them,