4$; Com.8. The right ufe of Riches. Chap. 8e . fireetin the mouth, and the covetous hide it under his tongue : though it be tweet in 15 thegetting (and we mayadd, in the fpending too) yet it (hall be bitter at the laff" Though he fixation, down riches yet helimit vomit them up again Godfhall calf them out of his belly, &c. And thus much for thefirft ufe of riches, which concerns our (elves. the fecend use 2. Come we now to the fecond ufe of our outward efiate, viz. That which con- ti riche,, terns others. Aswe mutt provide for our (elves, fo we mutt give to the poor : we. t. Colicernirs muffCow to the fpirit, and not fpend all upon the eels : and as we muli drinkout of other, our own Well, fo we mull let our Fountain run abroad. Now adayes men f w only to the lefh; though as we Chewed before, this groundbrings forth nothing but rotten- Ads zo.35 nefs and corruption : meat isfor the belly, and the bellyfor meat, but Godwill dffroy both the belly and it. But we Inuit tow to the fpirit, if we would reap eternal hap- pinch. Our Saviours laying was, Beatius eft darequam accipere, it is amore bleffed thing togive than to receive; and this it feems was his common faying. Thofe that are in want count it a bleffed thing to receive, but he tells us, it is a more bleffed 2 Cor, 9, a thing to give, and the Apoftle makes men rich by giving, Being enriched in every thing to all hountifulnefr. To dir us up the better to this duty, it is expedient for us to know: a. Flow we hold our riches, or how wecome by them. we rrni tow 2. What we are to think of thepoor. t n,oo. to r. For the fiat, we may fee in Deut. 26. that men mayknow that all they have care me hold is from Gods gift, God took order that they mull acknowledg it by performing an our richer. homage to him. a. The man mutt bring his basket withhis lint fruits, to the place Deut.2ó;z,to where God fhould place his name, and the Prieft mutt takeit and let it before the Altar,and thenhe that brought it mutt fay, A Syrianreadytoperifh wasmyfather,&c. Hemuft acknowledg that God brought him out of Egypt into that fruitful land, and that there was nothing in him or his progenitors why God fbould deal fo bountifully with him,or them, and that in acknowledgment that he holds all hehath of God as LordParamount , he brings his firft fruits as a token of his homage. verf t3 2 Havingbrought his basket before the Lord, hemull fay, Súfluli quodfanfam "eft defacultatibue, verf r3. I have taken out that which is hallowed (viz. the fruits; and tenths, &c.) out ofmy lirbtlance, I have not fpent it upon my felf, but have ta- ken it out, and given it, ad lifts Ecclefiafficos, for the Levite s and adWins civiles,for tsejiranger, thefatherlefs,andpeor,and that not as anarbitrary thingdone ofhis own Accord, but by nece(lity of duty, for he muff fay, he did it according to Gods com- mandment : So that we fee here,every man muflconfefs, r.that all hehath is held of God,ex libera eleemofyna, as free alms from his hands. 2.That there isa rent, aduty fo be paid, which isa tenth atleali, for holy ufes, for the Prieft and Levite, and the fervice of the Altar, and after that a fecond tenth for the poor, and 3. that both are due by Gods command. 2.rt"mt we are 2 For the fecond point, what we are to conceive of the poor, the Pfalmilt faith, to eono,'we of that the matt is blefied that judgeth wifely of thepoor, men are apt to err in oh, poor, their judgment of them, for the common conceit of them is , as of perfons Pfal. 41. 1 that concern us not. To redifie our judgment, we mutt judge of them, as God judgeth , whole judgment we are lure can never be reverted. How is that i An Deut. tg. 11 himfelf tells us in Deuteronomy, he bath taken this order, that therefhall ever befame poor in the land; and there./ command thee (faithGod) (it is not counfel or advice). that thouopen thy handto thy brother, and to thypoor, and to thy needy in the land : fo that the poor are appropriated to us, they are made n fri, ours: we cannot thake off this Afixum, this hanger on, which God bath fattenedupon us: and con- +érf 7 . fequently hebath given 'hid precepts for their relief; r. Negative, Non obfirmabia tor, thoufhalt not harden thine heart again( them, and nec claudes manna, nor /halt s thoej flit thine hand :.we mull neitherbe hard hearted,nor clofe fitted towards them, Vert,. 9 nay, there muff not be an evil thought in our heart again& them, lea(t they crie un- to t1e.Lord again;( us , and it be fin to us, the wages whereof is death , as the 146.,8 Q,pofcle fpeaks. 2. Affirmative, thoufhalt open thine band wideunto him, andfhalt fire elj lend him fitfjrcient for his need in that he wanteoh. There is adouble citare the poor, Tome are fo, that ifany thingbe lent, theycan itnploy it fo that they can