Corn.8. 484 Chap. 8. Vnjuftgetting by rapineor violence. Cbryfoffome gives this reafon why we (hould part with our money, in works of mercy, becaufe elfe, faith he,we do not love it : Por though covetoufnefs be the love of money, ctmatyvgía,and they which are moft covetous, have themoll dole bowels, and are moll loth to part with it, yet heproves that they do not love it aright ; for the true love of a thing is not amor concupifcentie, todefire a thing for our own' ufe, as aman lovesmeats and drinks, but amor benevolentie, when we lovea thing for its felf,defiring Its good : for the true aeI of love ;is Vel/e ejus bonum,quod,vel quem ama- mus, towith the good of that thingor perlon which we love , and therefore ifaman love his money, hewiCnes well to it, Vt bene fit ei. Now the well-being Ofevery thing is,whenit isfo,as God hath appointed ; for the bene e(J ,the well-beingofevery thing in the world is,Ita e rot' Deus ordinavit. Therefore ifany man do withan ej r to his money, in that order whichGod hath ordained, then he wifheth the goodof it, and confeqüently loves it > otherwife he wifheth the evil of it, and confequently loves it not. Now Godsordinance is, that everything that is good, thould be icotva- tntbv, orfur diffufvum, ofa communicative nature, diffufive of itfelt, and the end of money infpecial, is to becomtnunicated,and fo ifwe communicate it in aright man- lier, it attains the end for which it was ordained, and fo we thew that we love it. What a miferable cafe were we in, ifthe Sun (hould not communicate his heat and light tous,but thould keep it to its felt; or if the Earth (hould keep in her fruits,and not yield the fame to us ; we should fay, this were contrary to their nature,and to the end for which they were made, and contrary to their well-being, as well as ours c and fo it is contrary to the nature and end ofmoney, to keep it to our felves, and not to communicate it to others. Among many notes and figns of the Church, it bath pleated God to make choice of this one,as an infallible lign that we are true members of it, If roe communicate to Rom. a. 13 the saints, 7.aît ytdwn 5' áyrmv xotvovévlts,faith the Apoftle, communicating to the ne- cefties of the Saints. Here is xotvwvie,fellowíhip and communion. Again,this verme 2 Cor. 9 13 is called liberality, by the Apotfle ; becaufe that when we are Liberales, liberal and 2 Cor. 9 r free,we do liberare animam avitiis,free our felves from vices. It isalfocalled Zemovhc, rCoC. 8.19 a mini (lry,becaufeit is a fervice we owe to theSaints,a debtor a rent we mull pay to them. Again, hecalls it xdgtv,a free gift,becaufe it mutt be freely and readily given. Now adayes mengive nothing freely, rather do ut des, or do utfacias, is inufe, men give to thofe that (hall give to them, or they give to them that (hall do fomething for them, but this is not xdgty, a freegift,which the Apofile requires : and lady, he 2 Cor, 9. 5 calls it ivt,oyfa, a Meiling : becaufe by doing thus, this fruitfhall come, the poor (hall blefs us, and God alto (hall biefs us. Thusby all thofe feveral e eprellionsof the A- poftle,it appears, that the ufeofriches, is to have them communicated ; and there- fore if fttty do appropriate thatto himfelf, which God would have common,heper- verts the ufe of it. Again,this ufe ofcommunicating to others appearsin that good works arecotti= pared tofeed,and doing good, tofoacing. He thatforos to thefpirit, (hall of the['hit Gal. 6. 8 reap life everlafling, faith the Apoltle. And Jiro in rigbteaufnefs and reap in mercy, Hof: to. it faith the Prophet. *uiparcèfeminat, parei metet,&quifeminat in multis beneditii- z Cor, 9.6 onibtu, meter in multia beneditiionibus ; He shatfarosfparingly,lhall reapfparingly,and he thatfaros bountifully;jhallreap bountifully. A man may fo love his feed, that for pure lovehe lets it lie in his Barrt, till Worms breed in it, and confume it ; and then he doth amando perdere, by loving.lofe it: Therefore he doth truly love his feed,that dothprojicerefemen, call his feed into the ground,which returns him fruit an hund- red fold : this is truly amarefemen, to love his feed. Thus we fee ifthe temporal blellings ofGod be feed (as in truth they'are)there mull be a calling of them away, and a (katteringof them, that we mayreceive them againwith encreafe. And yet in this calling them we do not lode them, nor our right and interefr in them, for whena manbath fownan Acreofground, ifone ask him, whole is that feed, he will not (ay it is the grounds, but histhat fowed it : fo if a man could be brought to this perfwa(ion, that femen eft Jirentk, non recipientú, that what is fown in works ofmercy, is his that fows it, andnot thegrounds onwhich he fowes it, he would not towCparingiy: Thus we fee the true hateof -riches, they are feed which mull be fown. Now as theHusbandman doth credere dllted quod non video, believe that which he fees