Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

om.3. Of /`ovetouf efss. Chap. 9. 4.8ÿ fees not,that when hecafts in one grain, and fees it rot, and thoughmany fhowres and norms do fall upon it, yet at laft he believes an Autumn will come, and that he (hall reap an ear for a corn ; fo ifGod enlighten our eyes, and give us hearts credere quad non ridevanr, to believe what wedo not yet fee, we (hall reap the fruit thereof; which (hall be videre quad credimue, . to Fee and enjoy what webelieved; and fowe (hail find, that this feed ofgood works,though at prefent it Item tobe loft, and calf away, yet it isferente, it belongs Pill to the lower, and that an Autumn orharveft will come, when it will return anhundred fold. And thuswe fee the wayes ofjui getting, by lawful means, without deceit,or vi- olence ; and when things are unjuftly got, the neceflity ofreflitution. We have feen alto the right ufe of riches, -both in regardof our felves, againft prodigality and covetoufnefs, the two extreams s andan in refpeE.t Ofothers, by bounty and liberality, and fo we fee what is forbidden or commanded in this Com- mandment. C H A. P. IX. That this Commandment is fßiritual. OfCovetoufnefs : diverfe reafont again(( it. The means to keep this Commandment.r.Contentation.2.Towalkin our wayes,which that we may do, r. We muff have a lawful calling. 2. Wémuff beperfwadedthat riches are Gods gift. 3. We. muff live according toour means. 4. Obferve the rulesfor get- ting andufing ofriches. A Ccording to our former method, we mull now (how, as the third rule of ex- The t irdrelo Lam. tent requires , that this Commandment is fpiritual, and looks at the heart. That this Law) Chrift faith, that theft, covetoufnefs, deceits,&c. comefrom the heart ; and Mall un- it fpiritaal. jolt gettingsbeingof affinity with them, come from the fame fountain, which foun- tainmuff be flopt or dam'dup, ifwe will be obfervers ofthis Commandment: and Therefore the Apoftle mentions the corruptionof the mind fir(t, and then covetouf- t Tim. 6: 5 nefs after,when men account gaingodlinefi. ifman hadcontinued in the (fate of innocency,his delires both natural and ceco- Ofcovetoufu¡s nofnical would have been ruled and guided by reafon , but by the lofs ofthat eftate, the mind or rational part, which Mould be guideof hisa6tions,iscorrupted, where- upon his delires are irregular and immoderate, fo that he comes appetere woo-1114r, tadefire fulnefs andfuperfluity. The belly hath an appetite beyond that which ig fuflicientfor it : andfohy thecor- ruption of the mind, the appetite is unruly, wherebywe aredifquieted bontinual craving. This withinus, like the daughters of the Horfeleech, cries (till, give,give, prov.3b. t5 bring,bring,&c. Againil which there mull be one within us,thatfaith,there isenough: towhich end there mull be an iu7areea, afelf-fufficiency, or conteneednefs of mind for as itwlfa, luxury or excefr, is thecorruptionof our nature, fo áv7ateea, or con- tentednefr, is veö70,' ç.ovae, the riches ofour nature. But now where there is aAseve (a, covetoufnefs, or a delire ofmore, the Apoflle r Tim. 6.9 (hews us how the cafe (lands with fuch aheart. t. That fuch men will be rich, this they refolve upon, andbecaufe it holds efpecially in evil things, that quod volumes, valdé volumes, whatfoever we delire, we do earnefly delire and longafter it, in fo much that as Solomon obferved, even theJothful covet greedily all the day long, and Prov.21.l5,r6 whatthey delire they will get as quicklyas they can : therefore fuch men willbe rich as foon asthey can ; and then, asthe Wife manfaith, He that makes beet. to be Prov 28. 20 rich (hall not be innocent : and an heritage,though it be quicklygot at the beginning, & 20 a r yet the end of it is not bleffed. 2. That becaufe of this greedydefre, theyfall into diverfe temptations : the De- villets ,cnatµbv,a temptation, force round fum, or great gain whichheoffers them, and then vra .A , a fnare, wherein they arecaught. He requires forcefmall thingof them, nothing but a falfeaffeveration, a fewwords, or a falfe oath, or withthe un-. juft fteward, only a dafnof a pen to let down 5o for 8o ; thusthe bait is laid to draw Lake it. 6 them intothe fnare. i 3. That-God feeing them thus refólved and willingto hecatcht,he lets themfall into