493 Corn.8. Rules aboutjujigetting andufing ofRiches. Chap. I o, 2. mcd,ratum '2. Moderatum,the'moderate price, when there is a moderate proportion between the thing and the price, when the thing is worth fo much (as we tire to fay) to a brother. 3. tt isidem 3. Rigidum,the rigorous price, when the utmolt value is flood upon ; as one would fell (as we ufe to fay) to a Jew, and above which if we íhoúld go, it were plain .in- juflice. So long as one exceeds not any of there degrees, it cannot be raid, he is tin- Oil, but yet the fated court is,to come as near as we can to themediunt,the middle or mean price. Andfor our better direflionherein, all circumftancesare to be confidered, as we Levir. 27. 13 fee under the Law, when Godgave rules for fate ofcattel,of lands, houfes, unclean t5. 19.57. 31 'beat's, tythes,&c. In all there cafes he takes order, that the value of the thing be gi- ven for it,and quintam partem,a fifthpart More for the gain. And before that,undier Gen. 41.24 the Law ofnature; we fee, that when Jofeph bought all the lands of the Egyptians, he referveda fifthpart of the encreafe for Pharaoh, whenhe gave them feed to Cow Lev.z5,t6.14 their ground. So allo in point of equity, length of time is to be confidered in the price ; when any land was to befold, they 'were to reckon till the year ofJubilee,and according as it was nearer,or further off,fo the price was to be lelfened,or increafed: and thus, accordingas a thing is more or lefs durable,or which mullfeldomor often berenewéd, fo is the price to be let. As for Merchants, becaufe of the danger and hazard they run,in venturing their goods, and fometimes their livestoo,and becaufe theircharges aregreat,&c.thereforeagreater proportion of increafe by way of trade, is to beallowed them, then unto others. Bute: for r ii. 4. For reflitution there need no more to be added , than is raid before.. Ifany tution, thingbeunlawfully gotten, it mull ofneceflity.be reflored. If it be debt we owe, Numb. S. 7 we muff notfleep till it bepaid, or if we cannot prefently pay it, we mutt fay with Prov.6.4 him in the Golpel, Havepatience withme, and get a longer day. If the thing we Muth. 18826 havebe none of ours (though we have firength tokeep it) we mull not with- , hold it from the owner. And there are rules to be obferved in the getting of wealth. z. Bute, far 2. In the nextplace, there rules are to be confidered which are for the ufe of it the oft. both for preferving of it, and for layingout. , 1. For prefer. i. For the prefervingof it, Solomon's rule is, that everymanfhouldknow his own ulna ear ¿fia,e_yfiate,and the efiate of he cattle, &c. and that he fhouldnot commit all to the truft Prov, 27.23 ofothers;for as they fay,the Mailerseye makes the horfe fat,and his (reps the ground ;. Verf. zq and he gives a reafon in the next verfe,Divitie nonfun affixe, richer are notforever, as they will not flit into a mans mouth, fo ifhe look not to them, they will die a- way. And as he mull take care himfelf, fo fecondly, he mull not byfuperfluous courses John 13.29 diminifh them; butremember that rule of Chrifl 4lmene i.ryxpeuev txoµev,b,ry what i2 neceffary, and what there is uCe of, not with Efate, tofell a birthright for amelt of pottage, he might have taught his belly batter manners. 2. For laying 2. For the ufein layingout our riches. r. Concerning our felves: this is Chrilts it out rule, Gather allthat is left, that nothingbeloff,there mull be nothing wafted. under Luke 6. I the Law when they came before the Lord, after the thirdyears tythe paid, they were to make proteflation before the Lord among other things, that they had not Dear. 26. 14 (pent or wafted anypartof it upon themfelves, orfuffered it toperifh by evil look- ing to,&c.' The Kites, the Crows, and Vultures have not devoured it ; for as one faith,the prodigal mans goods, are laidup in Rocks, and high trees, wherenone but Vultures and Ravens can come at them. To prevent which wade, God gave the Esod. 16.23 Ifraelites a law flake whatyouwill bake to day, andfetch whatyou will and what remainetb, keep till the morning. As there muffbe a Senates t Bonifacius,a Saint Getter, fo there mull be a Smelts Servatiur, a Saint Saver : there mull be agood Saver, a good Getter, and a good Keeper. If you have bonumServatium, agood Saver, you fhall have bonum Bonifacium, a good Getter. They are the words of Luther; on thofe words, Lookwhat you left of what was bakedon the f,xtb day, lay upfor thefeventb. The Rabbinsfay, that if a man do not gather invefpere Sabba- ti, on the evening of the Sabbath, he 'hall efurire in Sabbate, be hungry on the Sab- bath day. And