Com.S.::Rules about jaggetting andufing ofRiches. Chap; -i óc 49 í And when we have thus done, we mull obferve that other rule mentioned by Luke 14, 28. Chrift, ka iaas 4nplCe,rtú, dtr,,,drtw, a man mull lit down and reckon what his elate will reach too, and proportion our layings out accordingly : and then that we obferve that rule of the Heathen (implyed in that of Chrift)that our condau befor- tier promo,and promos debiliortondo; that our layer up be ftronger, then our layer out ; for if it be weaker, then our eflate will go out too fail, and then a man shall not fufficererebaufair, havefu'ficient for his own affairs, nor 'ball res epos, his elate, fufftcere fibi,be fufficient for himfelf,and then he will break the rulesof juflice to fupply his wants. z.For that'other ufe in laying out, whichconcerns others, we fee, that aman Au/s for r,- anuJl judge wifely ofthe poor,and that force poor are appropriated to us,and that we [rrytsi6rpodr are in refpeft of our goods,but negotiatores,Stèwards that mu/lgive account ofthem. Praia] 41. We receive all fromGod,and confequentlÿ there is ' rent charge,which wemull Deúr. pay out of them, jaxra benediítionem Domini, as the Lordbathbleffed us, and by ac- knowledging (as before) that there is nothing in us, or our Progenitors why Deuc6,i6,i God Ibould deal fo liberally with us, and that therefore we owean homage to Deur.ia 13. himout of oureitate,, which we muff perform. We mull remember that Charity doth not only not feekher own, butgiveth to others, and is bountiful and the Apoftle makes an oppolìuonbetweenHealing,and iCor.13,5 labouring to have wherewithtogivetoothersthatneed, to thew that the poormuftbe Eph'f.4s4 alwayes in our mind, and that every one muff fay, I work for them, as well as for my felf. David fpeaking of the materials for the Temple, faith to God', ,oeddemanta iChro.29.i4 -enaaccepimru.damur tibi, what we have received ofthy hand, wedo return to theeagain: he faith not with fudas,4dquidperditiohoc ? to what end iethiswaft. We muff Mark 144, give then, and that of the bell : God tookorder, that nothing which was maim- ed, orblind, or that had any deformity, fhouldbe offered to him : and Solomo» Deut. i5.2r, exhorts to honour Godwith our fubflance, andwith thefìrfifruitsofall our increafe. On Prov.3.9 the contrary, if a man detain any thing due to God, God calls it a fpoyling or - robbing of him, and faith, thatfuch are curled with a Carle. Therefore St, Amyl- Mal.3 9 flint tells us, that Date, Cr Dabitur, Give, and it lball be givenyou , are Bre- thren. In particular the rules ofgiving to the poor. r. Becaufe,as we 'hewed formerly,it is a fin not to gibe, therefore everyone mull give,except he bimfelf be in extream neceffity; outof which cafeevery man muff give fomewbat,according to his ability.The reafon is given by the Apoflle, Every man flabbe accepted according to that which. be bath, and not according to that 2 Corg,i2 whichhe loath not. The Widows twomites are accepted, and flit greatlycommend- Luke 21.4- ed by our Saviour : and be that gives a cup of cold water inChrifls name, Aall not Mark.q.4i. want his reward. Giving in tome cafes,and lending in other,are both enjoyned by our Saviour: Mareh.5.42. and we have rules prefcribed for themeafure.Thofe Believers in the Atls,gavero Ads2.45. every one, as they hadneed, they hadrefpeâ tothe neceffity of the party; they were not like the Prodigal,of whom the Heathen faid, that he fared the worfe for his luxury. Alms Mould be:té1as, chaff virgins ; but they become siópros,barlots, when they are proftitured without regard to the perfon. Neither as the Apoffle faith, mull men fo givechur ethers mayhave, .indebemfelríeswant, that others may find aCor.3.n, eafe, and themfelves difeafe; like thofethat have thepage diabetica,who can hold nothing, but give promifcuoufly to any fo long as they are able, for by this means, their liberality cloth perire liberalitate; perilh with liberality. z.As for the meafore, fo alto for the manner Godgives rules; as,that wegit freely,God Both not lovetivay roiov, but maser Jbrlw,not one that gives ofneceffry, but a cheerful giver : Charity muff not be wrung out of us. As we mutt not give promifcuoufly, but ufe difcretion, fo we mutt µwit i a, fZup, notfearch too en- riouflyafter theparty, nor lift or weigh too much their worthinefs ; for as the Heathen faid, we mull give not homini, to this man, buebomanitati, to mankind, á.rarno4ov 7q 013 @vof v, ovlsme,9iç, Tai 1,6/00 714Z 4lpor, afellowfeelingcompaffion is due to nature, and to the Lawwe muff give our approbation. z.Another rule is given by theWife man, Say not to thy Neighbour, go and come prow, 3,28; Q q q ? again,