Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Corn. 9. The words expounded. Chap, r. 493 ingof this precept in others, the Pfalmift makes it a fin, not onlyforare to fiscal, Pfalm so. s8. but currere camfare, to runwith a thief ; and Solomon faith That hethát is part. Prov.29.24, ner with a thief, defiroyerhhie ownfood, therefore we mull not communicate with others in this fin. And not only mull we obferve this in the Negative part, bat alto in the Affirmative, we mull draw othersfrom the breach of the precept, as the Pfalmift, who exhorts others, not to troll in opprefon and robbery, and ifPalm62, Ie riches increafe, that they let not theirhearts upon them. The likedoth.Solomon, when Prov. 2047. he faith, that bread of deceit isfweet to a man, but afterward his mouth u. filled with gravel, and therefore he warned) every one, not to let mercy and truth forfakehim, Prov.3.3. fo he 'ball have favour in the fight ofGodand man. Thus to avoid this lin of theft both in themfelves and others, hath been the praetife and endeavour of the Saints in all Ages. T H E EXPOSITION Ninth Commandement. Exod. 20. 16. Thou 'halt not bear falfe witnefi againf thy Areighbour. C H A P. L Thewords expounded. what is meant by (Non refpondebis) in the Original. Addit. about the meaningof the word 1)T) refpondere. What by ( witnefs. ) Four wit-. neffes. 1. God. z. The Confcience. 3. , Men and Angels. 4. The Creatures, What is meant 6y(falfe,) what by (contra,a ainfi) what by proximum, Neighbour. The coherenceanddependance of this Commandement. Thefcope and ale ofit. a. Inren [pea ofGod. 2. Of the Church. 3. Of the Common- wealth. 4. Ofprivateperfons. O R the expofitionof this Commandement we moi have re-. courte to thofeplaces of Scripture, where the fin 'here,for- bidden is prohibited, and the duties here implied, are corn- manded, as in the OldTellament, to Levit,19.IL,16,17. Te Levit iç' us Jha/Inot lye one to another : and,Thou lisait notgo up anddown as a 16.17.. tale bearer among th,ypeople. And, ThouAalt not hate thy brother in thyheart ,dc. And toZach.8. i6,17.Speakye everyman the truth zach.8a6,í7: to his Neighbour: And, Love no falfeoath. And in the New Teflament, to Match. 22.34,35, 36,Our of the abundanceof the heart the mouthfpeak- Match. 12.34, etb, for agood manoutof thegood treafures ofhis heart bringetbforthgood things, &c. and 35.36. toEphef.4.z5. where we have both parts of this Commandement._ The Negative, EPhet 4.25. amsl svor vò 4dd'@, Gat of lying ; and then in the next words, the Affirmative, 7.a reZaPatlar, &c. Speak everyman the truth to his Neighbour. Fino, to make plain the words,andthe meaning of them.This Commandement The enrlieeti- is not delivered in one word,as fome of the others,but confftsof divers words, on of oh which rendred according to the Hebrew run thus,Nonrefpondebis tefiimonium {al- wards, fum, piper vicinum tom, thou thalt not anfwer a falfe teltiroony concerning thy Neighbour. 7,Tlie,