Com.9. Offall witne ng in judgment. Chap: 34 sot they that are carelefs of themfelves, are alwayes obferving other mens carriage; they are Bill noting other mens pra&ifes. They are ready to ask queflions con- cerning others, as S. Peter did concerning S. john, what (hall this man do ? to whom Christ anfwers, What in the to thee ? Follow thou me. Peter had a defire to John at. zz; know, what john flaould do ; but Chrift reproves this pragmatical humour in him, and bids him look to himfelf, and keep within his own Diocefs.Thus eve- ry one mutt, as the Apoflleexhorts, .nega eeyTe ibe, da his own bufinefs, be muff s Thefg,ri; fearch into his own actions, and then he !hall have little leifure to look after o- ther mens. And for the remedy of this, let himremember that of the Heathen, ,9,4ticonfidit virtutifua,noninvidetalieno, he that is confident ofhis own vertue, will never envy another mans. And thus we fee, how this fin rifeth firfl in the heart, and rankles there, and what it is, which fits the foyl for it, and waters it to make it fertile : we come now to the outward aft. CHAP. III. The outwardall , ofwhich two branches. a. Fslfewords. 2. Idle andvainwords. Of . falfe [peaking ingeneral this is t wofold. o. In judgment. z. Out of judgment. In judgment, byfalfe witnefs. Of lies ingeneral. S'rx perfons in every judgment,who may beguilty of falfe witneffing. r. The Page. t. BychertfbingLawfoils. z.Bydefer- ring jujiice. 3. If his judgment be, i.ufurped, a. rafh, 3. perverfe. 2. The Regier by makingtilde records. 3.The Accufr, a.byaceufingfalfly,z. uponuncertaingrouads, prevaricating. 4. TheDefendant, t . by not confeJng the truth, appealing without taufe, 3. bynot fubmitting to the [entente. g. The witnefs, a. by not de-, daring all the truth, when he is lawfully called; 2. by not delivering the innocent ,' though he be not called, 3. by delivering the wicked by falfeteflimany. 6. The Ad-. 'notate, a. by undertaking an evil taufe, 2. byperverting the Law. Of giving falfe teffimonyin Eleflions. HE Aft of this fin confifts fpecially in words, which are, as our Saviour g.v'he'outwarrd fpeaks, according to the treafure ofour hearts. Now there is not only an evil Creature of the heart, out of which aman brings forth evil things, but alto an We hlat.a235i35. treafure, out of which a man bringsforth idle things, viz, idle words, forwhich a man mull give an account. Under thefe twoheads we may comprehend thebranches of this tin,which may admit thisdivilion, of a.falffe words, and 2.vain or idle words. t.Falfe words are, either when our words difagree from the truth and effence I Falfeword,: of chings,or when they difagree fromour own mind.And both may be confider- ed, either as they concern our felves, or our brethren ; for whatfoever fpeech is either prejudicialto our felves,or our neighbour,is condetnned,as againft the rule ofcharity. And though it be neither hurtful to us, nor to our brethren,' yet if it contain falfhood, it is againft the truthof God, and thereinwe are,as the Apoftle fpeaks, fond witnefes againft God. tCor,i .aq: Falle doftrine is here included,as oppofite to truedoftrine,but not as it is in the third Commandement ; for there it is forbidden,as contrary toGods glory, here,as hurtful to our brethren,and their fpiritual good. We mutt not add to his word,nor take from it,nor change it,bymaking any other way of falvation,as thole falfe teachers did among the Galatians, that preached another Gofpel, which, as the Apohlle faith, is topreach odium lefum, another 7efoas. This was prov.3o:6e toucht before, and therefore we than fay the lets now. Only this we adde,that Gal.a.9. it is a good rule given by S.Bafil, notonly=44144110, but allo meieae spatial, not only alllies andfalfboods, but al fo all turnings andwreffings of Scripture are con- demned, as among others, he fpecially instances in one, viz.. the making of the literal fenfe typical, or turning the Scripture into allegories, and from thence inferring doftrines which the Holy Ghofl never intended. This gives occation to all Heretics , when men choofe what opinions, they themfelves pleafe and make the Scripture a note of wax to patronize them. As to make Adam rea- fonable part of the foul, andEve the fenfual, and thereupon to infer this as a pofitive doctrine, That if reafon command fenfe, we (hall avoid the temptation