Com,90 5o6 Chap. 3: Offalfe mitnefng in judgment. fend himfelf, hemay choofe which he will ; as he that path divers weapons,may tile which he will for his own defence.But if according to due formof Law he be jofb. 7.19. proceeded againil,he mull Anfwer as "khandid, when 3ofl ua urgedhim to con- fefs the truth. z.Whereas the benefit ofappeal is granted, for a remedyofthofe that are op- preffed, if any (hall ufe appeals meerly to protract the caufe , and avoid a juft fentence, this is a fecund fault in the Defendant; for this is to delay juftice,con- Ex.t8.22,z3. trary to 7ethro's advife, who would not have people wait long for jufiice,but to bedifpatcbt, that they might go home to theirplace in peace. i.The Defendant offends,if when fentenceisgiven,he do not fubmit to itifor Rom.13.2. ui refiffit, Dei ordinationi refsflit, he that refefleth, refilleth the ordinance of God. Hmthe wit. 5, For thewitnefs, he may likewife be guilty diverfe wayes. nets break, this a. If being lawfully requiredby a Superiour,demandinghis teflimony,and ask- commo,s a, at. ing him nothing that is impertinent to the matter in queilron, if he do not de- clare all that he knows ; for the Law is exprefs, thata witnefs,ifhe loth net titter Levir.5, i, what he pathfeen and known, (ball dear hù iniquity. 2.Though one be not required by a Superi r, yet ifit be to deliver an Innocent man in danger, he is bound tobear wicnefs, and he (ins, if hebe filent. Solomon makes it no fmall finnot to give tellimony, for the prefervationof an innocent P00.24.11,12. perfon, If thouforbear todeliver them that are drawnto death,and thofe thatare ready to by flab: ; if thoufayefl, behold I knew it not, Both not he that pondereth the heartconfider, and 'hall not herender toevery one according to hiaworks.But out oftheft cafes, ifone benot called to witnefs by a Superiour, or if an innocent perfon be not indan- gered by his filence, and if he be examined about other things which belong not to the matter in queftion, he is nor bound to anfwer. 3.8'efides thefe, Solomon intimates another way,whercby a witnefs may offend, Prov,ii.zi. when he bears falle witnefs to deliver the wicked ;for thoughhand joyn in hand, yet !ball not the wicked efcepennpunifhed. The Greeks havea Proverb, Da mihi mamma jotjorandsem, lend me an oath. This lending an oath is that which Solomon calls, ajoyningof handinhand, and he faith plainly , that though they may efcape the hands ofmen, yet (hall theynot efcapeunpunilhed, that is, God will be fore to punifh them. Now tbeAdvo 6.Sixthly and laflly, for the Advocate, he may offend two wages, Bate offend,. t. If heundertake an evil caufe,knowing it fo to be. This is a great fin. God Exod.z3ei,3. faith (having firfl prohibited any to reife a falfe report) Pot not thyhand,unto the wicked,to be anunrighteotuwitnefs: now he that pleads for a bad caufe,puts his`band to the wicked. And in the third verfe,its added ,Thou /halt not countenance a poor man in hip carafe, viz. if his caufe be bad. If a manmight plead for any in a bad caufe, furely it might be for a poor man,but even for a poor man he mull not. 7ehu laid to jtebofsphat,Wilt thouhelp the wicked, and love them that hate the Lord ? therefore is wrath upon theefrom the Lord. And the Apoftle faith,that not only the doers of evil things are worthy ofdeath, but alfo ovaóólLat 7is wçá'asan, they that take pleafure in them, or content to them,fuch arethey that plead for tbem,they give their placer, as we ufe to do, at Congregations in the üniverlity. Greek, ufed the fame words, and gave their fuffrages, by ,Ch ,c;1' it pleafeth me, and therefore whofoever pleads for the wicked, cryes aFitoti+,1am pleafed with it,he helps him, and is partaker of his fin with him. Provli7.23. 2. Another way is by the Wife man,when a. man for defenceof a caufe in dif- ference, though it be good, perverts the Law, or receives a bribe. The wicked Prov,24.24 (faith he) takes agift out ofthebofome to wreflthe wipes of judgment. As it is evil to joyn with thewicked to help an evil caufe (for he that faith to the wicked, thouart jug, him fbaithe people curie) fo to bottler any caufe by wrongmeans, and thereby to pervert the courfe of judgment, is wicked. Oryiving fare And becaufe judgment is not only la.4Karaedn,on the bench,but alto inkeraLrs- t füeonyinE. Wa, in the placeof confultation, therefore falfe witnefs or tellimony mutt not tfliow. be given ineleflions, or in choice of men to places or preferments, for there ought to be ju(lice and truth in both,and he that gives his voice for one unwor- thy,bears falfe witnefs,and goes ;lattice and truth; for ju(tice,as thePhi- lofopher defines it Well , is refsii :do in afean, impreffa d refla rations, a reíliteode !tamped