Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

gto Chap.g. Of Reproofand Flattery. Com,g; ported withthat native and inbred evil of felf-love ; and hence it is, as Plutarcb obferved, that every one is srpwTQ- aa 4 rdr t9-, his own chief and greateft flatterer. And becaufe we love our felves, they fore we think we are good, and that he that loves us Both his duty , and is therefore good ipfo fio in fodoing. And thereforehe that fpeaketh in commendation ofwhat we do,we thereupon think him to be a good man, and that he doth but his duty, and for thiscaufe we love him. On the contrary, he that grieveth us,we think him to beevil, andconfequently hate him. This malum narivum, this native evil, and that good opinion which we haveof our felves, makes us, that we do cito nobis piacere, eafily pleafe our felves, if any good be fpokenof us ; as ifany will fay we are learned,prefently we believe him, and willingly hear him,for ubipropiria mens eft, where the mind is favourable, propiria acres, the ears will hand wide open to receive any thing that is faid. Nay further, as Seneca faith, when men will deny what the flatterer faith, and fay it is not fo with them, they deferve no fuch praife, yet eriam b1oadiriæ cum ex- cluduntur placent, flatteriesdo pleafe men, though they be not believed or receiv- ed. And hence it is, that a man having this good perfwalìon ofhimfelf, is rea- Efav3. lo. dy to fay, as thofe in Efay, Prophecy not toue true things, but prophecypleafingthings, Micli.2.11. fuch things as we do love and like : and likethofe in Micah, of whom he faith, He that wouldprophecy offuch things, ar theydelighted in,ae ofwine orfi'rong drink ,Jhould be Prophetfor thatpeople. And hence it is, that as S.Hierom faith, ,Qui nefcit adu- lari,he that cannot íiatter,nor apply himfelf to the humours of others,is thought to be eitherfuperbue, or invidus, proud, or envious, all which arifeth from this, that men like thofe that do foods them up. Now this vice offlattery is two-fold, for it is either in things uncertain, or certain. a.In things uncertain,as when we commend a man before we be certain he de- ferves it ; this is /weeps laue,overhafty praife,when a man is praifed at brit light, or when hebegins todo well, for fome will then fo highly commend him as to make him think he hath done enough,and anfwered all expeftation ;whereas it is a Kingsso,n. not theputting on of the armour, but the putting of it off, which fliews what praife a Man deferves.It is notftadium,a part ofthe race well run,but the whole race that Do/ichus, deferves the Garland. PraclarumRadium, fedmetuo * dolichum,the entrance of the fignifies a race is excellent,and I like it well,but 1 am afraid of the length and continuance double ffadi- of it ; many begin well, who fall Ihort and faint before they come to the gol. rim, or s6 fur Therefore whilft things are uncertain, we ought not to be liberal in commend- ing, nor prodigal in our praifes. 2, In things certain, and thofe either evil or good. r. Inevil things, which are by God condemned,Laudatur male qui laudatur ob malum, oreiemalo,it is a very lorry commendation to be praifed or cried upin e- Prov.24.24, vil,or for evil.He that faith to the wicked thouart righteous, him flail the people,curfe, Pfal.1o,3. nations 'ball abhor him. And the Pfalmift fpeaking ofa wicked man, faith, Thar he Efay 5. 20. fpeaketh well of the covetous wham God abhorreth.The Prophet Efsydenounceth a wo against all fuch e call evil good , orgoodevil,that call light darknefs,and darknefs light. Herodotuewrites ofCambyfes,that he having a mind to an incefluous marriage,mo- ved the queltion to thofe about him, whetherhe might marry fuch an one, they told him, that theycould not well anfwer in general, for that the adtion feemed not good,but they found this in particular,that whatfoever the Kingwould do, hemight do it. This flattery was abominable, and to be hated of all good men. $ink. 13.10, The Prophet conipares loch to thofe that6uildawallwichusttemperedmorter,whiCh 11, cannot therefore ftand:For as it follows, when thewall osfallen, itfhallbelaidunto Verfe :@. them, where ie the daubing wherewithye have daubed it ? Thefe are Comentarii din. boli,the Devils daubers. And therefore at the 18 verle there is a woe denoun- ced against thofe that lam pillows under went elbows, for he would have men that are afleep in fin, to Ileep with as little eafe as may be, without pillows or cur- tains, that fo they may wake the fooner, butflatterers, by cowing pillows un- der them, make them fleep the morefecure. z. In good things one may be guilty of flattery, by praifing them above mea- ftire;this brings men into an errour of thinking otherwife then it is ;whereas the Apoflle