t6 Chap./. Of Sufpitión, é. ^c. Corn. q. ,It is no doubt, but the Apoftle as he was imbis Epi[Iles, which are ver64 fcrip- ta,written words,fo he was in his communication. Now his Epi(tles tend chiefly r Tim.5,23: to óriseat,4, to edification in Religion and vertue ; but when he advifes Timothy todrink a little winefor his f omach, this belongs not properly to brradbpd, to edifi- cation, but may,be referred to xpelm,it was ufeful and profitable. And when he bids 2 Tim. 413. him remember to bring his cloak, but efpecially the tool and parchments, it muff be re- ferred to the fame head, to xeÑa : for as S. Gregory faith, yufta neceftae, corpori. neceitas, the necellity of the body, is a ju(t neceffity. And when,he tells him a Tim. 4.20: that Erafus wasat Corinth, and Trophimus he had left at Miletion, this tended not only.to edification, but yet was ufeful, fuch things as may be of good ufe in common life, may be fit matter of our fpeech. Rom, i8. For xsigra, grace, favour, and delight to the hearer, all his falutations may be referredhither ; for they have neither matter xgas Inieft,470,nor any neceffary ufe; but might have been left out, as they are in forne Epiffles, but theyare pleating to thofe he writes to and to thismay be referred that poudred fpeech which the Apofile requires,which is that which is properly called urbanity, when our fpeech is poudred, not as one faith, atro ¡ale momi, with Salt.peter,but candidófate Mer. curii, with Wit, which maydelight and refrefh the mind , being wearied with grave and weighty affairs. a Cor, 12. 13. The Apoflle writing to the Corinth, faith, .1 have not been troublefome toyou;have I wrongedyou or done you injury in this ? Iprayyouforgiveme this. Here was no need to ask them forgivenefs, for it was no injury to them that he was nor trouble- fome to them ; but here was fpeech poudred with fait, here was fait to make his fpeech profit,andpierce the more into their hearts,as the Fathers obferve,which it would not have done fo much, if hehad fpokendireEtly, or in plain rearms. And yet this ; íers, grace and favour, may (land well with edification too ; and Phil.3.2,3. therefore the Apoftle joyns both together, Rom. ra.3. and writing to the Philip- pians, (peaking of thofe that urged circumcifion, he ufes this poudred fpeech,cal- ling it 01.16/..% 1òsÿ, concifion, Beware ofthe concifion,for weare of theorseslopoi, circumci- Ron (the true circumcilion) which worihip God infpirit. And as he wouldhave us avoid all fooli(h and vain talking , fo he exhorts to Ephef, 5.4, nfe kseleirhsv,thankfgiving,as oppofite thereto,lt was theerror of the Frnrricelli, that becaufe S. Paul would have no fpeech but thankfgiving, therefore towhat- foever tvas fpoken in common talk, their anfwer was, Laudare Chrifium, Let Chrifi be praifed : But the elder Church underilood it better, when they ex- pounded the wordsper metonymiamm effe/ii: i. e. That we fhould fpeak fomething that was thankworthy, or which deferved thanks ; that is, loch as tended to edi- fication, or Tome neceffary ufe, or to grace and delight , and to procure love and favour to him that fpeaks ir. That fpeech then which may bereferred to Tome of theft things,isgood,and to be allowed among Chriftians, but yet though theft ends be all lawful, we ought toaim at the bell : and feeing that ótvadbwi, edification, is the bell end of fpeech, therefore thiswe muff chiefly affe&.Andfor the laft,though theft terrena confola- riuncule,thefe earthly petty confolations be lawful,yet that rejoycing in Pfalmes, Hymns,&c.. in Pfalms and Hymns, and fpiritual Songs, is better, and chiefly to be ufed, although the other may be lawful, and fometimes expedient, efpeciaily for thofe that are Novices, and not come to a perfeEl age in Chrift, And thus we have done with the aftof this fin, and the feveral branches of it forbidden in this Commandement. We come now according to theformer rules, to the means of keeping this Commandement. The me,rnr of Firft,we muff avoidgroundlefs fufpition,,which are the firfl taufe of falfe fpeech- es of others,andto that end wemuft labour for (lability ; for all men naturally commando- are as the Pfalmilt faith, lighter thenvanity it felf, and therefore the Apofile ex- +.' borts tó be ffedfaJ in mind, grounded in the truth. For if we be not ftedfaft in mind, To avoid we !hall be apt to fufpe& evil ofothers without caufe. Thr Pifolm62on2. :9+ P concupifcence fuf itton is one of the fruits of that if wherewith our na- pfa t Cdr.t5 58. ture is corrupted, and though the firfl boyling of it, or rilingup in our nature, cannot behindered, yet we mutt labour to fupprefs it when it is rifen. The true and