T H E EXPOSITION O F T H E Tenth Commandement, Exod. zo. 17. ThouAtilt not covet thy Neighbours houfe, thoufhalt not covet thy Neighbour, wife. ;CHAP. I. Reafons againff the dividing of this Commandement into two The dependasce of it. Thefcope and end of it. tlhdVn,n\y 52E E have formerly mentioned,* That the Church ofRome to_ gether with the Lutheráns, as theymake the fecondCoro- * Expof, car& mandement and the firft but one, fo tomakeup the Num. '' cb °P'2'. ber of ten, they divide this into two; fo that theft words, Thomfhalt not covet thy Neighbours wife is the ninth, and the rett that follows, is the tenth. And though they take here- '''. t in the Authority of S. Auguffine , yet we choofe rather th xeaj a. >,lll'IINJitalJlJlilt__ to follow ufe that make it but one, as moft of the Fa. g,rinf rhedi- then betides him do, and that for thefe Reafons. raiding of Wu I . Becaufe it would be unreafonable to thruft two Precepts into one period, Commandment and fo to pronounce themwithone breath ; whereas every one of the relt is a tDDO tWO. full fentence by it felt ; and therefore it is molt agreeable to Reafon, that this thouldbe fo too. 2. Becaufe to make twoLaws for two lullsor Concupifcences,as theywould do here, is to make Laws for every particular, which is counted abfurd in all Laws,for Laws are made in general,and defcend not to particulars;and it would be molt abfurd in this Law of the Decalogue which is molt compendious, and therefore molt general; 3. Becaufe by this reafonwe might make more Commandements of this then two,for,though two Concupifcences only be named,yet there are diverfe others here included, a the inward lulls againlf thefifth,the fixth,and the nintb,which will fall under ncitommandement, if they be not reducedhither, and if they be, then they make fo many precepts, as well as thefe two,which refer to the feventh and eighth, which are here mentioned r for eijetteam determiner propof:tionem, the obje&makes the propofition ; and therefore, how many Lufts there be,fo many obje&s there are, and fo many propolïtions,and by confequence,fo many Com- mandements : and if they fay that the reft are forbidden under thefe two, they muff thew how the reif, beingof a different nature can be referred to thefe two, which if they cannot do, this is grarúdiìtum, ti u 4.Beeaufe