Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b The dependance and[cope ofthis Commandement. Chap.i, 523 they do not appear by any overt alt. And therefore Simon Magus is brought to the bar, for &invoie rn,tdi'at, the thought of his heart, Pray (faith he) ifper- Ahs 8. 22, h ,os the thought of thine heart may beforgiven thee. z. Proper Pharifeos, for thole that Pharifee like are conceited of their own righteoufnefs 5 that, as S. Augufline faith, fuperbi peccatore.c, proud (inners, who are not fanati, healed, may by this Lawbe convilli, convilled of their need of a Phytitian ; for though a manmay in regard of the full confent of heart,hold out, and juflifie himfelf in fome things , and for fome frnall time , { though few at- tain to this ) yet, when he comes to this Commandement, wherein the partite imperfetloe , the imperfelt birth, (when there is no perfelh confent, but Tome pleafure and titillation only in the motion) is forbidden, this will make him fweat , and cry out, as it is Rom 7. 0 wretchedman, whofhall deliver me from the bodyof death, and fo will make him fee that he cannot acqu,t himfelf , nor be a Chriit or Saviour to tarot-elf, but mull fly out,and leek to another without him- felf, as it is in the next words, I than)God through oar Lord fefos Chrifl,&c. For the coulent of the heart is forbidden by the other Commandements, as they are expoundedby our Saviour, who faith, . that if a man look upon a woman, hoc anima, & hocfine, with thispurpofe, and to this end, to loll after her, that. . this concupifcence is Adultery ; but here the intentionand defire,though it have Hierama, not plenum contention, full confent, but be only partos imperfellus, is attainted by this Precept. The diftineionhere is, that in the former Commandements,the intention of evil is forbidden, etf non confequaris, though it be not executed; here alto, etfi nonprofequaris, even though it be not profecuted or refolvedupon, as when the motion is entertained with fome approbation or delight, though not fully con- fented co. S.11ogofline contra yulian.explains the matter thus : the one is, Non concupifces, thou(hait not lull, forbidden by this Commandement; the other is,pofl concupifcentias tugs ne eat, follow not after thy lulls, as it is in Eccluf. a 8.30. and he that bathattained this latter (not to go after his lufts) magnumfecit, faith the fame Father, bath done much, fed nonperfecit, but bath not done all, quia adhué concupifcit, becaufe he lulls ítí11. The Apostle diltinguilhes them thus, he calls the onepeccatum regnant,fin reign- ing in us, when we follow it in the lofts thereof ; the other peccatum inhabitant , fin dwelling in oe, when it lofts in us, but hathnot got perfedk dominion : here it dwells as a private perfon, there it rules, and bath got a kingdom ; for quando peccatum tranfivit in uffeiïum corallo, & impetravit (enfum rationna, ut f adit occafo, facere difponat, when fin bath fo far prevailed bothuponour afféftions, and upon our reafon, that there wants only anopportunity to alt it, there it reigns.But when we have given fome entertainment to it inour minds, but are not refol- ved, fo that there is a d'hatx.146)-, a reafoning within us ; Faciam, ant non faci- al?: ? [hall I do it, or (ball I not ? when we have teafons pro Cr contra, and are not fully refolved, there is peccatum inhabitant, it dwells inus, and this is pro- perly forbidden by this Commandement. If we refolve once, faciam,t will do it, then irisfaium, as good as done before God, andmay be referredalto to the other Commandements,as forbidden there. CHAP. II. The thingprohibired,Conceepifeence which is twofold t i. Arifsngfrom our[elves; 2.From thefpirit of God. Thefull it either, t. from nature, or 2. from corruption of na- ture. Corrupt defiret of twoforts : s. vain andfoolifh ; 2. hurtful ornoifome. The danger ofbeing given up to a mans own lulls. HE fubjeltor matter of this Commandement, is Concupifcence or lull, the sabjett of L which is here prohibited,which that we may the better underftand,we mull ebb cowman- know, that it is not every concupifcence which is here forbidden, for there is a domane- twofold Luft or Concupifcence. zofoid enee i. There is a Concupifcence ofour own, of which S. Peter fpeaks,Tbere[ball a. óur own, came men walking after their own lu/It. z Pet. 3. 3. U u u 2 2, There `j