Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

5 d Chap.3. Flow we come o be infebied by 1hifin. Corn. i o. A man comes thus to be givenup to his own defìres,by degrees,when he gives Zach.8 17, Way to evil imaginations againft his Neighbour. Let no man imagine or thinkevil in his heart (faith the Prophet) again/' his Neighbour. We mull not give way to it at all, thoughwe fuffer it not toproceed to fuppuration. There is in every of us an evil imagination againft our Neigbour to do them prejudice; and this being in us , then there comes in a temptation, as the Apoftle !hews , partly from the Ephef.2.2,3. world, (according to the court of the world)partly from the Devil,who then begins to ftrike and to work and fafhion the thought of the heart, to a perfe& fin ( ac- cording to the Prince of thepower ofthis air.)Thus they both work upon our thoughts and defires, top/1P the defsres of the fleth; as it is in the nest verfe. Thoughu op So that here is adouble caufeto draw us to this. t. Our Concupifcence a- cendrng from lone, conlidered in it felf, as it rifeth by it felf,withoutany blowing or quick- the heart, pingof it fromwithout. z. As it is imployed and wrought by the World, or the Devil, or both. Math. 15.19. - t.Byitfelfalone,Chriftfpeaksofd}4AO}toptnlsrernpei, evil thoughts that proceedout Mark7.2z. ofthe heart, and of thoughts that arife in the heart. There is a (learn or vapour that a- Luke 24.38. rifeth from our natures for evil thoughts dveerJvserr, arife up,or afcend frombe- Jàmes t. iß. low, good thoughts koleúvxet, de%end or come from above; the one comes from our felves,theother from God andhis Spirit,for omnebonum defiler. Now the De- vil knowingthis,takes occafion by thofedefires which he perceives by tome out- ward figs to arife within us,to aflault us, by propounding worldly objects and allurements, and fo makes ufe of the world to tempt us. Thus he dealt with Chrift, he forbare him till he was hungry, and had his à3,auuiav Onto; ,his natural Matih. 4.3 defre ofbread; and thenhe comes to him, and offers him flones to be turned into '2 Kings 304, bread ;thinking by that means (when Chrifl had a natural appetite) to havebeen entertained, as 7ehoremwas for ?ehofophats fake. 'Î'hëoshttin. 2.Asthere aremgicationesafcendentes,thoughts afcending into the heart fo there jettedby, the art' anosher.fort,cogitationes immifre,thoughts raft in by the Devil.Thus the Devil pevri entred into yudas, when he put thole evil thoughts into his heart of betraying Luke 2z.3. his Mafter.So he filled the heart of Ananias and Saphira,to lye to the HolyGboff, Alts 5.3.. and to commit facriledge.And as be fometimes doth this immediately by himfelf, fohe fometimes makes ufeof the world, and of outward objeEls, to call evil thoughts intous.Thus theWorld and the Devil infeft us from withour,when we infeft our fgelves fait genough from within ì For, as Nazianzen fpeaks, s orig. srsp 41'4,4 4rú 9tl+ltájd&,the fparkleis within us,the flame is from the evil fpirit, which blows it up . fo that though there were noDevil to tempt us, and though we were in theWildernefs where no worldly objects could allure us, yet we tarry enough in our bofomes to corrupt our felves. Neither can we be Cafe though we leave all the world behind us, fo long as we carry our own hearts with us, faith S. Baftl. Of thefe. The afcending thoughts within us, are fin, the other cogitations immif[e, that are fent or injected into us, unlefs they infect us, orwe give way to them are our croffes , not our fins : Nay, Damon tentando coronas mobil fa- bricaí, by refilling thefe motions and temptations of Satan, we win the crown, and every temptation we refill, is a new flower to our Garland. The manner ' The manner how thefe thoughts come to infe&us is thus. There are fix de- how we come grecs before we come to that full confent and purpofe of heart which is profit- to ie infnued bited by the other Commandements. Gerh iiGenefs, when Evewas tempted, we fee how the infe&ion began. There . Gen. ;. 6. is the fruit held out, the object to allure, and withal the three provocations by which all fins are ufhered in to the foul are there let down. t.Itwasgood to eat,hère was appoarxntiaboni Rallis, the allurement ofprofit. .,It waspleafant and delightful tothe eye;here is apparentia boni jucundi the baitof-pleafure. 3. It is Paid it-was tobe defired in regard of knowledge. Here was apparentia t John 246. boni honeftieh- per feexpetendi, there are thefe three mentioned by S.7ahn, Thelsfi of thefleffi, thehe/f ofthe eyes, and the pride oflife. 4. And in the next verfe before the Devil adds a fourth, (which may be redu.. ced to the third)Eriris scut dii,Tehail be likegods,The very lure of Pride, Excel- Iency