528 Chap4. flow a man ì tempted. Corn, tb. opportunity to aft it. The conclulion is fet down in the heart, Faciam, I will do it i and then,when occafion is offered,it is done,and fo fin is brought forth and perfe&ed. And thefe are the fixdegrees of fin, althoughiniguitat mentiturfibi, tin Aattereth and lyeth to it felt, perfwading men, they are not guilty till they come to the !aft degree, the very aft, when as there is fin in all the reft. , CHAP. IV. The wayes whereby a man is tempted of his own loft. i.7here is a bait. a.Aheok. The fame wayes tired by the Devil and the World. The affirmativepart ofthis precept. Re- newing the heart and mind. The neceftyof this Renovation.The means ofRenovation. Ow thereare two wayes mentioned by S. yames,whereby a man is tempted IN by his luff; he is either drawn by a kindofviol ence,or enticed by forre al. James 1.14, lurement. Every. man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own 14, and enticed. Two way.. There is efts and uncus,a pretty enticing bait to allure,and a violent pulling and whereby a men haling of the foul to enforce.For a man is drawn, eithervoluptatefinless, by the of leafure of the fenfe ,or elfe importunitate mentis,b the importunity of the mind t his ewn lnbo p y p y t.Sy the bait. Either fin gets within us,and toffs us on till we be catched,or elfe it affaults us in 2..ey thehook. a boyftrous manner, that we yield, and think we can do noother. Againl both Hofq.S. thefe we mull watch,left we be like thofe in Ho(ea, They havemade ready their heart at an oven, the Bakerfleepeth all the night , in the morning it burneth like a flaming fire. They are all hot at an oven, and there is none that calleth upon me. the Jame may, In the fame order do theother two, theWorld and the Devil tempt us.There di, the Devil is a: dtas_di env, and there is T; iam7o, the alluring and the drawing in them both. andthe World The Devil is called in Scripture,the old Serpent, and the Apoftle fpeaks of iasd3- uje in their Ake 4 ardvns, a method of craftinefs, and s.poa a deceit, (togging at dice) whereby temptations, men are deceived. The Serpent we know is fubtile by nature, but he is an old Serpent,whoif he had any natural defeft,might by cuftome and long experience s Cor.2.11. have fupplyed it. Again, the Apoftle fpeaks of .l votl(Aa1a a"v eulavá,thefetches and wilesof the Devil. The Apoffles were not ignorantof them,but another may fear, left it be the Devils method and craft, by which. he is allured, and that he is nor wife enough ofhimfelf to defcry it. Z.He is called a roaring Lion.And under thefe two names (a Serpent and a Lion) Ill that is fpoken ofhim in Scripture may be included. As he is a Serpent for his fubtilty,fo for his ftrength,violence,and cruelty,he is called a Lion, and a roar- Matth.8.3a. ing Lion : When hehad leave given him, we fee he made the fwine run headlong 2 Cor.745. with violence into the Sea. And the Apoftle tells us,thathe torments extra pugnu,in- aTheST 2.111 traterraribus, withfighting: without, andterrours within : and whereas the Apoftle bad a good purpofe of coming to therheffalouians,to haveconfirmed their faith, Sathan hindred him. The Apoftles had extraordinary knowledge to difcern his fetches, andpower to oppofehis violence,which we have not, and therefore we mull ftand upon our watch the more diligently,andput onour fpiritual armour, that we may be able tooppofe him. The extremity in violence,and the exceed- ing fubrilty in perfwadion, will bewray whether the temptation come from our felves within, or from the Devil without. And as we fayofhim,fo we may fayofthe World,it tempts fometimes by fair means,ufing fubtilty,offeringpleafures,profits,preferments, &c.to allure us.And if we will not be allured,there is a hook to draw us ; inftead of profit , we (hall have damage and lofs ; inftead of pleafure,grief ; and insteadof preferment,te proach and difgrace,thereby toprevail againff us,and bear us down.S. dugu/t faith,Aut amor male iufiammans, or timor male humiliant, either love of the habit will inflame us, or fear of the hook will affright us, to draw us to evil , or to keep us fromgood. Thus we fee all temptations to evil may be reduced to thefe three heads ; they come either from our own fiehb, or from Sachan, or the World, and all of them feek either to allure us by the bait , or draw us by the hook. We fee the Negative part of this Commandement, in the words expreffed. Now becaufe according to our rules formerly delivered , the Affirmative is implyed