Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

530 ehap.4 Of renewing thé Heart, (9.c: Corn. I o out ; if ourhandoff end ue we mug cut it of ; we mull part with any thing though ne- ver fo dear to us, if it be an occatìon of fin. We muff Chun and avoid all evil Pfalm 16. 3, company. Davidfaith, that aß bùdelight was in the Saints, andfilch to did excel in 119, venue ; Hewas a companion of all that feared the name ofGod ; as for the wicked,He 101.7. wouldnot fifer themtocome into he fight nay hewould not make mention of them in hù lips. Wemuf} avoid idlenefs, Davidwas idle when he was tempted to unclean. nefs. Idlenefs is pulvinár Diabali, the Devils bolter : an idle perfon is a !land- ing puddle, aptto putrifie. Thismakes folio» fnballum,the foyl fit for Sathan to fowe his feed in ; therefore it was good counfel , femper to inveniat Diabalus oc. cupatum, let Sathan alwaies find thee exercifed. 3. We mutt watch over our outward fences, which are the windows by which linful obje&s are conveyed into the heart,and linful tufts itir'd up in the foul:look not on the tree, left thou be taken with the pleafant thew of the fruir. We mull Gen.3.6: pray with the Pfalmift, That Gad would turnaway one eyesfrom beholding vanity, an ì Pfäl.r19.37. covenant (as Yob did) with our eyes, not to lookupon enfnaring objects r we mutt Job31. r. flop ourears againfl thecharms of the Devil. The ear is apt to receive evil fpeeches Pfalm58. 53 which it conveys to the heart, and therefore we muff take heed what wehear. Mark4.24. 4. Princiaiù obfia, fupprefs the firlt motions of fin as foon as they arifè in the heart,this is to truth the Cockatricein the egg,this is eafie at firft, but difficult if we give way to them,Pravadamparva, though they feem finali, yet they are bad and make way for worfe : evil thoughts not refilled, bring delight ; delight breeds confent, confent action, a &ion cuttome,and cullome neceility; we mutt Pfalm 537. 9. thereforeallidere infante', dalh them topieces while they be young, before they Ga1,1.16. grow too [trong. We mutt not once confult with114 and blood, as the Aponte fpeaks : but as we are careful to quench fire,orftop a breach of water at the firft, left if they breakout, it be too late ; fo we mull flop linful motions at the firft, before they gather firength, and fo we be not able to refill them. Colof.3.i6. 5. The word ofGod bath a fpecial vertue to cleanfe the heart. Let the word of Prim 19, 9. Chrifi, faith the Apoflle, dweliinyou plentifully, or richly. The word of the Lord,faith Pfalm 119 9. the Pfalmift, is clean 5 and therefore he asks the queftion, wherewith fhall a young man cleanfe hùwayes, and anfwers, by takingheed according to thyword. p.The heart mull beweaned from the pleafures anddelights of the world,there Frahm tat. 2. muff be ablaflatio mentù, that we may fay with David, I have behavedmy fef, one that ùweaned frombit mothersbreafi This muff be by meditating of the vanity, Ihortnefs,and infufficiency ofall earthly pleafures,thatasAbnerf,id to Yoab,they bringbitternefs at the laft. Extremagaudiilrttinooccupat ,thefe fweet waters end Rom.s.13. in the fait brackifh fea 5thefeMort momentany pleafures will be rewarded with endlefstorments. The richman received in his life timegood things, and Lazarus Luke 16.25. evil, boat now (faith Abraham) Lazarus is comforted, and thou art tormented, 7.We muff with the Apolile keep the body under, andbring it into fubjetlion. He a Cor.9.1v, that befieges an enemy will cut off provifion from him.Thafefle/hly lufls(which as S,Peter faith) do waragainil thefoul, will not be vanquilbed,if we pamper the bo. dy, for by thismeans they are strengthened. Therefore we muff avoid 411 excels inmeat or drink, and whatfoever may be a provocation or incitement to our Ezek, 16.49. Concupifcence : Fulnefs of dread, and abundance ofidlenefs, were the fins ofSodom : Prw.z3,33. and Solomon gives counfel,notto tarry at the wine, his reafon is, thy eyes will behold (range women: we mull take heed then of pampering the body, ifwe wouldnot have thofe lulls to grow in ourbeart.And if we'have any way negletted our duty herein,we mull with theApoftle,takerevenge upon our (elves for ourexcefs,by tome 7 cor.7.11, penal exercifcs, as falling, watching, prayer, &c. both to thewour true repen- tance for our exorbitancy, and to keep the body,the better in fubjeftion for the future. And though this feem to bedurus fermo,a hard thing to flab and blood: yet by the power ofChrifl and his Spirit we ¡hall be able toperform it. Thus if we keep our hearts with all diligence, as Solomon exhorts , and labour for purityof heart,we (hall be fitted for communion with .God, (who is a God of pure eyes) by faith here, and by clear vilion hereafter, Blefedare thepure inheart, dattl1.5,3. faith, Chrifl,for they thall fee God,