Introdu&. Gods Providence is overparticulars.. Chap.7. â3 is a practical Vertue,` and'prac tical Venueshavetheir Objeftsinfngularibttc in par- ticulars. z. Now it is certain that all the Attributes of God are every one of equal lati- tude and longitude. His power is over all, and extendeth to every thing, for of maxime pertingerevel remoti ma, that is the greateft power that reacheth to things farthen off, And Ins Providence anagoodnefs is. of no lefa extent than his power. 3. There's noman but will confers, that it is a more commendable thing to pro- vide for every particular, than for the general only. And therefore it is, that isfto= tied for the commendation and honour of Mirhridates, who having many thoufands inhis Army, wasable to call them all nominating, by their names : then fi quodroarer efi`, non etaatur, if the belt be not done, it muffneeds be out of fotne defect in the A- gent, but there's none in God. 4. Now for the reft of the Creatures. IfGod have a care cf Heaven, which hath not the ufe of its own light or motion, but is to make inferiour things fruitful, and Cattle have ufe of Herbs &. and Man of Cattle, and all other things;and thePhilo- fophers telling us, that that which hath the ufe of all things is principal ofall others; Man having the ufe of all, mutt needs be principal ; therefore, f fir providentia lei in reliquas createrras,; tar en principslemfe extendatneceffe eft, if theProvidence of God extend it fell -to the reft of the Creatures, itnccetfarilyfollows that it extend it feif to the Principal. s. King David firft confdereth the glory of the Heavens, then the eternity ofPfaim.8. them, and wondrethhow God could pars by thofe molt glorious bodies, and put the Soulof man (themolt excellent Creature) into amolt vile lumpofclay andearth. Man is themoft excellent of all other of Gods Artifice for other Creatures know not their own gifts. The Horre, if heknew his ftrength, would not fuffer his Rider upon his back; therefore the occultation of thegift from that Creaturewhich bath it,and the manileftation of it to man that bath it not,is anArgument thatman isGods Count Palatine of the wholeworld, and cannot be exempted from Gods Provi. dence. 6. And this is that which made Saint digfalterer in agodly zeal ( being difpleafed with man) to fay, Appendeto home, Confider thy fell well, Q man, art not thou bet. ter than allCreatures elfe ? Yet is Gods Providence over the vileft of them, and fo from them toman, and more efpecially to good men : for if he have a Providence and care of thole that only have his Image by nature, then where two Imagesmeet in one, one of nature, and another ofGrace byChrift, much more : for f:militndo magnet amarle, likenefs is the loadftone of love, & amoris previdentia, and Provi- denceof love. If God care for all mankinde, then much more forthefe, who asit were hate themfelves to love him, thole that lore themfelves to finde him, and that pertlh to live with him. Therefore hisProvidence is over particnlars. The fecund branch of this part bath two things confiderable. r. That God is to s: be fought. 2. That his Providence is to reward them that Peek and ferve him. 1. In thefirft place then Godmuff be fought, for facientiefinis eft ipfewet, the end of the aftor is himfelf, and God being his own end, it mutt necefiàrily follow, that he wills all things for his own, either profit, honour, or pleafure. 1. For his profit we cannot leek him ; for notte can redound to him from us. z. Nor for his pleafure, for whereincan we pleafure him? 3. Therefore it mullbe for hishonour, for to that end didhe create us, that for his honour we Mould feck and ferve him. 2. The next is, that he rewards fuch as leek and ferve him, Where there are two relatives, there is agrounded mutual duty between them, asbetween a father and a fon, love and obedience : betweenman and wife mutual love : between Matter' and fervent, care and fervice: between the Creator and Creature, Providence and honour. Nowbetween God and his true fervants that leekhim faithfully, there is reverence and love, and reward for it. And though we be but verne I omi- ni, Gods bond-men, and arc bound to keep his Laws; becaufe he is our Legi- flaw , Law-maker : yet he bath promifcd reward to them that keep them, F and