Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

fntrodu&. Ofthe Lan, ingeneral. Chap.14. ,6$ 2. Another Argument ofthis Order is, That humiliation is firft by the LaW., and the courle of teaching, is firft by humbling Men by the Laws in letting thenéè 'what they are , . which hath been the Order ufed from the beginningofthe World. It was the courtsof Gods own proceeding upon the violation:of the firft Covenant for afterAdam had tranfgreffed, and remained till evening in expetîance and fear'Ge . 3 ofpunifhment for breach of the Law, and therefore had hid himfelf; then firft began .the Law topats uponhim , by way of judicial proceeding. Firft he is called forth. r!. Vbi es where art thou e and then examined ; :Edifii haft thou eaten ? and upon ise his confeffion ofthe FaEt, Sentence of Death pafíed upon him. Igitur, Becaufe thou haftdone this, &c. But yet prefently after carne the Gofpel, the promifeof Chriil. So God came firft with his obi es? and that is the Law, and after came Semenmu- 15, Writ the Seed of the Woman, which is the Gofpel. And God likewife took the fame Orderafter the Ftóod , when he taught Abrotbunv,' Ambula caromMe . efio integer, walk before me , and be thou perfeEt, which is the only end and fcope ofthe Law , Gen. t j,. T. fo that the Lawwas firft given to him, and then was he inftrufted in the Gofpel , 22 rë° drt femine tua benedicentur omoes narrent terre, In thy Seed (hall all the Nations of the Barth be bleffed. And this was thé way that Mofea,taught the People. _Take the Book of Dcù- teronamy, which is the iteration of the Law, after the three firft Chapters, in the fourth Dent "A he begins to teach the Sum oftheLaw Therefore (halt thou keep,&, till the 18th. Chapter , and there he tells them the Gofpel , That God would raite up a Prophet Att.7.3j, from the midft of them, like unto him, c'c. Which Saint Stephen applied to Chrift. This was alto the Courte of the Prophets. Eraj in his firft 40 Chapters , ( though Ea. 40; in groin there be fame promifes of the Gofpel intermingled ) yet the fcope and beginning of it is to teach the whole Sum of the Law , and;he reft is the Sum of the Gofpel. But more plainly in his firft Chapter, from the beginning to the 18. verte, there'sa bitter invedtive, and denuntiation ofthe Curfeof theLaw; but from c. r. thence to the endof theChapter is the promifeof theGotpel.Come then,&c. Ifyour fins were as red as Scarlet, 6-c. And the firft Pfalm is nothing but a recapitulation of 18. the Law, with the Promifesand Curfes thereunto annexed, and the fecond Pfalm., a Prophecy of the coming of Chrift , and of theGofpel. So Saint oho the Baptift Mat. ;.7. beginneth with the Law, and tells them of theAxe laid to the Root of the'Tree,and in d' the next verte endswith the Gofpel, Ego bäptieao vas, I baptizeyou. And it's Chrifts own order too (who was tite gear Prophet of the New Teflament, and whole method ought to be our Infruftion) He that humbleth himfelffhall'be exalted,firft Humiliation, and then Exaltation ; now there's no humbling but by the Law, and therefore it is calledUlureiliator, thehumbler. It was allo the pradife of Saint Paul in his Fpiftle to the Romans, ( which is held to contain the Slim ofChriftian Religion ) 'after his proemtum, in the 17 firft verfes from the 18 of thefirft "Chapter to the a i. verte of the 3. Chapter, he fpeaks all of the Law, all under fin, 7ews and Gentiles, and unregenerate and regenerate, and at laft includes himfelf in the number : bat after , he delivers the Sum ofthe Gape!, Chewing in-what"Covenant we muff look to be faved.' And this Ppiale the learnedwill have to be our warrant for this pradttfe. And rush was the form of inflrnding in theprimitive Church taking pattern from Saint Paid. firft Repentance from dead works, which includes the Law, and then.fd`v. 6,r, Faith in Chr ft, -which thews theGofpel: So that this muf beuurOrder, The Law firft, and then theGofpel. So much for the Order. Now the Laly conraineth three things: i 1. Prvreptum, that which is required ofus; fechae & vives do this and thou fhalt live. GCn.45.18. 2. Tranfdrreffònem pr.ecepti & delftfum which thews u' how far we are from the Pfal. 19.íz, duty that -us required of us by theprecept ; Del&a groin intell:"Sit 3. l'arum trann( are onis, the puniflunent'we mull look for and expect for the Gen, 2.17. breach ofthe precept by our fins, .Y1a,ti svurrieris, thou Malt dye. And the Gofpel alto teacheth three things. 2. 1 Libercrionem, howwe are delivered horn the Curfc of the Law, Ecce egnmu Dei Bet c,c;,he LambpfGod that takcth away the fins of the World. 2. Certitudinem , how we may be allured that this deliverance pertains tous , to 2 Pet.t. r,, make our calling lute by good works. 3. Rerri_