Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Of the NA T 1 v 1 T 1 E. ·sermon 9· ~--~~----~--------------------- > J.,,cum. This Cumwelhallneverconceiveto purpofe,butcarendo: the value ofWith,no w~y fo well, as by Withor~t: by !lrippingofCum,fromnohu. And fo,let nohi<, (tu) fiand by our felves,wtthout H1m,to fce,what ourcafe is,but for this Immanuel·whar ifthis Virgms childhadnot this day beeneborne us: Nobi(cum(after)will be the bet~ terefreemed. For, ifthis··Childe be Immanuel, Go o with tu; then without this :Sphcr.... ~· Chi!de, thts Immarmel, we be without Go o. WithOHt Him, inthu World (faith the Apojlle:, ) And, ifwithout Him, in this, without Him, in the next: And, ifwithoua Him rhere,ifit be nor Immane~-el,it will be Immanu.hel; and that,and no otherplace will fall(! feare me)to our /hare.Without Him,this we are: What,with Him~Wh/ ifwe have Him; and Go o, by Him; we need no more: Immantt.el, ~nd Immanu-•11: All rhat we<an de/ire is, for usto bewith Him, with Go o ; and He to be withm: ·And we, from Him, or He, from us, never to be parted. We wer~, with Him, oncebefore, and wee were wdl: and when we left Him, and He no longer with"'• then began all our mifery: Whenfoever we goe from Him, fo !hall we be; in evill cafe : and never be well, till we be backe with Him againe. CHRIST, Then, ifthis be our cafe,that we cannot bewithout Him; No remediethen,but •ha•.c..,.. toget aCum, by whofe meanes, Nobuand Detumay come together againe. And C R R I s T is that C11m, to bring it to paffc. The parties are, G o o, andWe : And now,this day, He is both. Go o, before, eternally ;and, now to day, Man: and fo, ·both andt~kes hold ofborh,and brings both together againe.For,two Natures here are i~ Him : Ifconceivedandborne of awoman, then, a Man: IfG o owith tu, then Go o. So Era• offered His Ji.'qne, .•romthe hei~ht ahove, or +ro,m thed.tcthbmwh ~ Vc!f~·-~; J'> <> I' <> J' Here, it is. From above, El; From·beneat~, Anu; O?~<>fus, now: And o, Hisjigne,' .: from both. ~nd, both thefe Naturesmthe Vnme of one Perfon, called by one , Name, even th1s name Immameel. It is His Poe•-, rocabit nomen: I told you, in His Name, is·HisVocationorOffice, to becum, ro ~~:{;:;',be com'el,;,~tweene, (that is) tobe a~ediatour, to makeHi~, that wascontra nos,n 1 bif-. Jlnwatllr<. cumagame. A r.Medsatour u.vot of one, but Go o uone. Go o and Man, are · Gal.3.>~ ,two; andtheyweretwo (as they fay:) Weretwo,~dtwowill be, till He make .them one.; recapitulate and caft up bothinto one fumme: to knit vfnu, (that is, We) and,El(thatis, Go o) wlth His Im, into one: Oneword, and onething,univtcC., ~;· again~. :I · , , ,. , so, upon the point,jnthefe >three peeces, ther~ be three Pcrfons; fo, a fecond .i.. kinde.ofTrinitie: Go.o;We,andCH RI sT.rE/,,sGO!>.:Anu,We : forCuun; nothing left but I my that'is:Crem, or With. !or it' is He,that ma~cth the Vnitic in this .'f.rinitic ;-maketh GolD w1th"'•, w1rh Goo: andboth, mand by Hun, to out. :eternallcc@mfort and joy; ' >!nNaine. Tl; He,w#bm.: An!l yer, all this is but Nature !l:ill. But, thenobifcumof His Name, bodeth·yet.a funher.rnatter. For (indeed) theWith m, ofHis Name, i5 more than thewith tlf,'of His Nature• Ifwe make agreat matter of that (as, great -i.t·is, and vary gr~at)behold, the Ecceof His Name, is farre beyond it. With 114 in His Nanire, that is, with m, as Man; that is lhort: We are more; fmfullmen: A ·c:: .wretclled:condition added to a Narure corrupt :.Will He be with If$, in that too~, 'Eife this(ofNature,) willfmallyavaileus. ; •\ .,, ln.timft;ai. ' What~!)Sjnne ~Nay,* inallrhings,fin onlyexcept.Yea;that is,in beinglike m; ~H~tic, ,. 0 but not, in b.eingwi!h.m. For,in beingwith"',excep&fin,andexceptall :Theri~dh•g · br.•. •5· m ofourfin, is the only matter,.(fatthEfay, after.) Therefore, to be wrth tu, m aJJ, Iohnu 4 . thiJ)gS,'jil? itfolfe nst except. Samt Iohns Caro fatlmn tft, Wtl!not ferve .' Samt.Patils ~ Cor.s.~t. F,uit·peccattlm, muftcqme~oo. In, w.sth,HO'? ther:~oo. 1 fay lt o~ Nntur~isno~ ~nough;-J1e 1s to be iVtth m,mVnme·of Per(op., hkew,fe. So,He was. The Debtor and Surety, make but one perfon, in Law. that, He was: andrhen,H~ wase<em, !Vitb tu throughly, as deepe i~, as we. .,_ • 1 And this is the proper Immanu,ofHts Name. And thiS,the Immanumdeed. And, tillHe was thus withflf;·nona!lleHehad; He w~sChriftus anvnymtu, CHR 1 s-r un· ~hti!h>ed(as it were.)For~His N~111c c~e a_or, t!_l!.Heb~c~~ ~t!~ ~tbm inperNfon: . - ~