Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

OftheNA T I vi T 1 E. Sermon Io. implieth aJfo,our Dttty toHimagaine: for, ifHeto le4d; we tobe.led by Him' He i> become tbeAt~thorofeternallfalvation,( Heb. r. faith the .dpof!le) to them,.a< wit!obey 'him,andbegt~idedby htm,and, tonon~ _ot~er. . .. . Will ys:fee (firfr) thenecellity ofhoihthof~Hit commings fmh, for this ofjict; to be our Gt~ide? Egredietur ex.te, fin1; He wasto be of us,beingtogr•ide us: for be. ing ofus, He would the betterunderfrandour w~n_ts, qndhave themore compafion or, lleb.4.•5: them: (Heb.4:15.) Therefore; if a Prophet: 4 Pri!phetjhal!tbeLordraifet~ptmtoyow, Deiu.JS, ' 8 • from among your .brethren: i M.'o{es Egredieture:e te.) If a Prince: TotlriiOble Ruler lcr.Jp.a~. }hall ~e ofyo11r [elves, e_ven if;emidjl of yorL· (leremie: So he, Egr.edieturex te.) Heb.s.•, If aPrieft: then, to be taken.frommen, andbe ordainedfor mm,jnthingspertaining unto God: (the ufpojlles egredieturexte) Toeveryoneof thefe:Andthefethreebethe three great G11ides of mankinde. . .. . , . , And againe: As meet, He lhou!d'co~eforth from pternitie, ifthither He to.bring us. None can bring to a place, [o;yell, as He, that hathbeenethere. There He had ~f•1f7., 5, beene; had inhabitedeternitie(faith£fay:) thence H~came;and coinming thence,be!t knowi's the way thither agaice. So,neither of Hisoutg•ings.morethan needs. . Now,toour Grdde.' Where,thetermes of Way, and ofwatking,and !e.iding,rr.eet • iis fo thicke, are fo frequent, all along the Scripture; as, plaine it is, our very life is held as aJourney; and we (as the Schoolemen terme us) viatores,in frate ofwayfaring roenl or travellers, all, from our commiog into the world, t.O the going out of it ~gaine,fiill going on, in the way,or our,of the way, t'on~, ort'other. Iffo: in ~journey rwo thmgs ;ye h.ayeto looke to; • Our Jt_go,anq • our ~a: '.%D,oureod, !o~;!H; whither; • ~a,our IIMJ; hy whiCh. St. ThomM f.1id well.; Lord,we know not wbit.ber tiJOttgoeft; and how then.canwe ktJow the way ?Right: for, Ignoranti quemport11mpetat nrtflm feettndm ejl ventm, No wmd is good for him,that knowes not, for what porr~ he isbound: he that knowcs not, whither he goes, wanders, and is never in his \iray· i~nevei:in it, for he hath none,to bein: . . • Firfr thi:n, Jfl!.•o; whither~ Now, the end of therer{e, is ourjournies end, Eter~' nitie. Where,if we may arrive,happy we : that is agreed on preferitly. So is not the: way thither. . . J . • . • . But yer; this (I ta'ke) is agreed; that, if it bea ready w~y, we care theldfe for :i grtid6: but if hard to hit,thenDt~xnobu_opm, ~el!Cec!one. , . . . Andfure, the way ts not ready to hit ;,not foealie, afoolemay find it :Iusbut a !oolifi1 imagination fo to ween of it. BY.-wayes there bediverfe; many crolfe paths, ;iild turnings in :irid out ; and we Like enough to miife it, ifwe venture;.without a ~~y~!i!! guille ,-If there be riot one, to callto us,everandanon, (asEfay 30. zx.) H<~.c eft vi~. amhula~tin ea, ThiJ the right way, keepe it: ifnot,you goe, youJmow not whither• . T"efirfr point then is,to find our ownewant; to thi,nke,we are in cafe,.to need i '· ·cuide. For, if we need none, this Text is fuperflu\)US: And tho11 Bethlehem, and thou <;;,RI ;T,ye~aybOth well be[pared,~ Ifwe~~abletogoethe w:;y,withoutagmde; fi5 begt~ideJ tci ourfelves~ Nay,ro beg~<idesco ourguidu 1 then :(the world is come to that,now.) :nass.jt; Well he was a wife man,'andagreat Counfellor, that faid, when time wa~,Ho,., ~!!llil!o~ tAn I,witholltaGnide? And theWifemen, atthis feafr, were not fo well pc~fwaded of tlieir owne skill ,but they fought arid tooke direetions. Let us follow them. · to get us one the'n; And,not ariy orie, l,lut one that is skillf11l\ in the way: (no " . one thing need~efo to beadvife~of1 as this.) For, fir~ngeiris, but true it is; even ¥!i!b_,_.!1-~•· they,~hat be blmdt~emfdves,Will takeupon~hem to beg~zdes to othe~s. You know whofaid;sicacm c<~.cum :.t\m (&t) was noyame (Sz,,) n_otdleSuppofiuon: mqueh6die, itis doile daily. But the end (tliere)'is,h•foveam;a place we would not come to; ' . and Goo keepeus from it. . . . , ... ., , .:, <,tn~ rhenJhat isski!full: And where lh,~ll we have any fo_ skilfull,as this ;_thisof curs~ He cannot bt~t It is Cure; there•\Ve~e no benerguzde,than theway tt felfe,' coul_d[P,eak ro'us.,anq'relt us whe.n vypvererig~t or wrong in ir. N?':V,He, . !~~!"t-~; f!9!. ~~' !aJ; 'I~~ Way and ~~C~J!d9~~~ As_<i. ~:'> !!~~-~ 51lc ~~~.'(\he fnmto~'