Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

A Sermon on 1 A Mx s I. Veife ll. - ~hough it be but FO ~arpe, fo they come and behearers. And it is no;:' :Achz.6, mi!fe. :They;thatcametomocke the.Apoflles, as mengone 'lllith .drink~ I were caught by their hearing. They that came to take our SAv 1 0 u ' !ohn7-Ja. CHR 1 ~ -r, \"':ere taken themfelves,?y their bearing. Tr.erefore,~ocunqu~ modo (farthSamt Paul, and though It be .mere thanSamt lames feemes to warrant, fay we) bowfoe)ler; and 'll>itb what conditionJoe"!_~~i£ he, !J3eyehea;. rers of the 'lliord, fl:ill. . . -. ·---" R'..,.""' but Hearers :buthearers of t!Je WorJ. For,it fhould be the Word,\ve ~eart: gfe'?!.~ord. Words we heareevery foot: but I dare not fay, the 'l1>or4;alwayes. Much cbaffe is fowne; inflead ofrightgraine l Many adry ftick.ingrafted in flead ofaSiene with life and fap in it. That was it, our SAv 1 ouRC~ R 1 sT Marke 4 :, 4 , wille~ us tolooke to l .Q!!id,.what we heard, as ~ellas ~gmodo; how,: ltike s .•s. And mdeed, for all our heanng, few have exerc1fed fenfes, to di[cerne this point. W!Jatjoe)lerit be,that weheare ouc ofthe Pulpit, it ferves our turna, it is all one: There is much deceit in this point. But, a point it is,' that would not be falutedafarre off, or touched lightly, but thc.:very core ofidearched, ifitwere dealt with as it fhould. Butindeed,it is not fo pertinent to Saint lames his purpofe in·this place , therefore, I will not en~ · ter into it 1 but goe on to the fecond.. ' · · ·- ·- " ; Noch«; Hearers ofthe 'lliord: Butnot hearers onely, For all the matter is in the rersondy; word [One!JI.J The morebearers, the better: the morehearers onely, the worfe. We cannot fay fo much good ofhearing, as we mull fpeake evill Gffuch as content themfelves withhearing onely. . . And, why not one!JI ~ Becaufe, to beare,isfomewhat; but it isnot aUJ Apartit is; but, in no wife the 'll>bole. Jtis one thing; but,not the onely one thing. And therefore we mull not flay in it ; there is aplus ult~a ~ when we have donehearing, fomewhat dfe is to be done. This appeareth plainely, from our sAV10 tl R c HR 1sTs owne mouth, even in that very place, where He fomuch commendethbearing; and fo fetteth out the necefsity of it. He commehdeth it by laying, Mary Luke xo.4z. batb cho(en the better part : The better part is but apart,yet: therefore, not the whole then. He fetteth out the necefsity ofit by faying; Vnum efl neceJlariwn : Vnum, He faith, not unicum : That, one thing it is; but not the onc!JI one t/,ing, that is necejfary, nor fo to be reputed. . ' But ofall otheriS. Paul cloth beflfhew the abfurdity ofrhem,thatfo >CI!ir.n.I7 efieeme it. Whai: (faith he) is all the 13ody an Eare? Is all hearing ! As if he fhould fay : That is too gro!fe. Yet thither they mull come, cv~n. to make :.11l the [enjes bearing, and all the IJ3ody an Eare, that place all rehgwn inLeElures and Sermons. This then being but a part onely, being but one thing, we ~ufl: not flay here: We mullnotfl:ay; for, the Scripture it felfe(markeitwhere you will) nevet maketh a flay at this of-hearing. Ever, the fentence isfi1fpended- ever, there followetha Copul11ti:ve, an [And]in thenecke ' · · · - · -- · - - ·- ·- of