ofthe doingoftheVVord. of it. It never commeth to a pawfe, or full point>till fomewhat dfe be [uppli.ed. . , . . . . . . nu people hatTJ Tl>ell}aid (faith G 0 D in 'Deuteronomie) :) What was Dcut.5.& t~at, that we may fay fo too? This it was, they [aid toMo(ef ; 'Bri11g thou Goo s 1/Jord to us, and "lPee "lPill heareit, mzddoeit. Notheare itonely (forthe~ it fhould not have beene commended) but heare it, and doe it, And fo, it is well fatd, and noto~herwife. I will tell y<>1u (faithour Sa- ~ 'lliour CHR 1sT) who is a 1i>lfe builder: Hee that hearetl! 11ry "lPords (at:~d Mar. 7.: 4 c no period there, but) and doth them. And,to the woman, that heard His ,words with a great palsion; 13lejfcd are tl>ey tl>at heare the "lPord of Go o, Luc; 1 t. :s; ·~nd keepe it. And not to trouble you with many allegations, fo conclu- . . dethHe in the Revelation: 13/ej]ed is he that readeth,and they t!Jat heare the Rev.1.3~ 'l!Jords ofthis proplJecie, and keepe the tbings "lPrittm therein. Marke it well : Never a pawfe, a breath, afull point, or flay at hearing; but lli.ll ~nA11d : anddoe,and k.eepe, and fulfill; and (omewhat elfe. To fhew, tt!S neither thefole,nor the1vbo/e thing: There remaineth !lill for us {ome further du-:, ty behinde. In as much then, as it is never put alone, but fl:ill coupled wich fame other : And, it is a Rule (not onely for mariage, but for all things elfe) What GoD hatb co11pled, let 110 ma11 p11t afunder ; Let us fee, what that Mar.z6.~ other thing is, which Go i> bath coupled,andSaint lames fupplieth to be joyned with it. What is that? Is it to be moved a little with that we iJeare? Vpon 3Buttlceruj our hearing, to fay with a Agrippa; "''''Y~· fomewhat I wa~; I was a lit- :h~;:;·~~· 31i de moved with in No: thisisto[uffir, not wdoe. Saint lames fpeaketh · · - of doing. . . What is it then? Is it to cry, b Magirter bene dixifti, Siryott1vellfaid;)O!I Hue. 20 . 29 ; ha-ve made m agood Sermon? Nay then, what fay you to c Nunquam qui[~ dohn7··16; ~uam, we never heard a better: Is not that it? No: for, this is tofay,and not todoe. Saint lames fpeaketh ofdoing. . . What fay you to conferring of it, by the wals ofour hou(e, and ma~ king that\ve have heard matter of difcourfe or que!lion ?I can tell what l would fay, ifour quefl:ions and difcpurfes tended to that ofSaint Iam.es (here) to doing: that then, we were in a goad "way. But, yee fhall ob– ferve, for the moll part, they bee about fome pretty fpeculative point, fome fubtill objection; Somewhat (ever) tending to curiofity of knolv– ledge,ratherthan confcience ofpra8ia. But, if we did fo, y~t it werebut to talk.e of doing, not to doe. Still we are 010rt of Saint lames: who, whatfoever we do, to fatisfie him befides,will not,leave us,till we bedo– m of it. And (fure) any that obfervech it, fhall finde, thatthofei ha1''1 named(' Toheare, •to bemowd with ita little, .l tocommend it,4 tofpend a little talke about it) chis is all. And chat all thefc be but by-wayes,which ~heenemy ofour foules feeketh to lead us into, fo to divert us from the true