' ' t1 Sermon on I A M .11. s 1. Verfe 22. true end, that we may refl: in thefe, as in our finall tonclufion and never come to this of Saint Ianles (which is the point indeed/to be doers. . ·Wefeerhenwha.ttheocherpartis: tol>eare,thatweinaydot; core~ cme, that we maybrmgfort/,, to begrafted, chat we may fruBifie. And that our care ofit may be according, I adde; that this is noton~ ly apart, bu~ farre theb:tter part ?ft?etw~ine. For,though llfaries part, Luke10. "''· was better thanMartha s : (Martes, Ill bearmz ; than Marthas in entertain. ing :) yet, Maries part indoing (that is) inamzsinting CH R 1 sr, was bee. -ter, than her partinhearing CHarsr, and hath a greater praifeand proMat, :6. 13· mife from CHR 1 s T s Ov<._'ne mouth : Tbu thatjhe bath done jhaU be fpo. km ofthrough tlJe 117orld. It IS our Rule; Vnumquodque propter quid 0- it.:. lud magu: In that doing is the Propter quid, the end of hearing; and wee thereforeheare, what to doe, chat we may doe, what We heare: In char (as the Schoolemen fay) Scire eft propter ire; We k.now the ll>ay, togoe thell>ay: 'Doing mufl: needs be che worthier ofthe rwaine :.Worthier in it felfe·ana confequently worthier our care and intendment. ' To make it plaine, doe but cake them in !under, and feverthein :Saint Rom.2.13. Pattl faith plainly, Then, 'f\l..on auditores, Hearing is nothing;fedfaBores, ' but doing is all. And, when they be joyned,llill there is amarkefetupon this pare, to fhew it for the chiefe. As here (at the XXV. Verfe follo1ving) he faith plainely, 'Beatus erit in opere /uo; be that fhall bebtej]ed, ilia\l be iobn x;~17. blejfed in hu '!IJorke; not in any chingelfe. OurSal!iour Himli:lfe faithche fame in expreffe termes :If ye k.now the{e things: bow then ? blejfed)hall)e _ be ifye doe tlmn : Marke: 'Blejfed, ifye doe them. Otherwife, ifye know Iames 4· ult. them never [o much, never the moreblejfed. Never the more blejfed? Nayjcienti & non facienti (faithS. lames) l(nowing and not doi~ is an en. creafe ofottrfinne, and confequendy a greater heape ofourcondemnai.ion. This therefore is the principall part, to bedoers. · Ifthen we would fa_ine bedoers, and aske what that is ? le is a mate~ ria11 pointto know. ,There are two kindes of doers x,.,,,u~ and • _7,,;; Which theLati12e likewife expreffech, in 1 .Agere, and • Pacere• .Agere,as in Mu(ike; where, when we have done finging or playing, nothing remai– neth : Facere, as in building;- where, after we have done, there is a thing permanent, And """'.,.,)' E~Bores, they are Saintlames-his doers. But we have both the words, in theBnglifh tongue: .A8ors, as in aPlay : FaBors, as in Mercl,andife. When thePlay is done, all the.A'Bo~s doe; rvanijheth: But of che Fa8ors doing, there is a gaine, awiJI thmg re: maining . , To bee a Doer ofche Word is (as Saint Gregory fatth well) Con• llertere Scripturas in operM, To :ha11l,e theWordwhich is audible, int?a Worke which is vifible: the Wordwhich is tranfient, intoa~orke whtch is perlilanent: - - · Or