Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

of the doingofthe VVord. · Or rath~r; not to change ir; but (as Saiht .Augufline faith) Accedat ad rverbum; unto the Tvord, that we heare;let there be joyned rhe Eleine~t of the Work.e (that is) fome reall Ele'm'entall deed; Et]ic fit magnum Sacrainen~ tumpietati!, and fo (hall you have the great Myllerieor Sacrament of God- 1 Tim.3.u;; linejJe. For indeed, Godlineffi is as a Sacrament: harh nor onely the My. fierie,tobeknowne,bur the e.xercife to be done;nor dieWordto be heard, hut theworke a![o to be performed: Or elfe, if it be nor aSacramelit, it is 1 Tim.4.7:. not true god/inejJe. . . Which.verySacra1nent ofgodlineffi is there faid to be themanifeflingaf tbe Word in the~efh: which itfelfeis lively expreffed by us, when we are dqers oftheWord; as it is wdl gathered out ofour Sa"lJiour CHR 1sT s fpcech; to them whichin'terrupted Him in HisSemz011,and told him,his . mother war without : Who i5 my mother (faith He?) T1Jefe here, that heare Mar:·;~:-s:O: anddoe 1ny words, are my mother; They traliell of me till I mn fafhioned in eial..j:.9. them. · Hearing, they receive the immortal! feed of the Word; by a ~rine ~ Pet.t .>3; purpofe of doing, they ctincei)Je; by a longing defire' theyquickm i oy an ~arneft endea"lJour; they travel/ with it; and when theWorke is wrought; . . Verbum carofaElum eft, they have incarnate tl;e word. Therefore to the Iolm i. ~~ · womans acclamation, 13/ejJed bee tl>e zvombe that bare thee; true (faith Luke Xt..7~ CH R.l sT)butthatbleffing can extend but onely to one,and i:ononiore; I will tell you; how you may be bleffed too; IJ3lefJed are they, thatfo in~ carnate the written word b~ doing it, as thet13lej]ed Pirgingave ~~{h, to the eternall word, bybearing it. . . . .. , . .It is that which Saint lames ineanei:li in the next (liapter, where hee Cb:i; 2. Ver; faith; Ofknde mihifidem: Fait], com'metb/JY hearing; fhew me thy (aitb,and Rom. 10 ,i8 7 thy bwing(faith he;, in the,perfon ofati ,Heathen ma:n.) TheCbrifliim . faith is, .f2!!_alido cr.editur qnod diciiur;:th~ l.ieathen faith,~andofit quod dititur (for, forhey define it in theirBookes'OfOffices) Ye fhall never fhew th~m your faith, cum crediwr quoadicitllr; but by, that they underfland (that is) their owne faith, cum fit quod dicitur; ~Yl doing tbeword, Enougq to fhew. what is meant, by doers oftbe Word. . . - . And !call we excufe our [elves by this;that all Sermons are notde ne:: ologi4 praElia4, entreat not ofmatted of action, and fo not to be done. By this that hath beene faid .of theSacrameni ofgodlinejje, we may eaftly underlland,that there is no .Articleof Faith~cir Myfterie ofll(e!igion at all, but'is as a key to open, and as aband to lead us to feme operative vertlie. Even thofe myfticall points, being by the.Holy Ghofls wifdorrie, fo tern~ pered, rhat they minilld every one of them, fpmewhat to bee doing , with, fomewhat pertaining to the e'Xercife ofg$dlinejje, no letfe tha:n..the xTim:.j;j; morall points rhen'tfdves. Sothat,.i£we would difpofe out felves, eo keepe Saint lames-his Caution, I make no quelliciri; we might well doe it through all. Adeafi, when the points are ·plainly pr11Elik.e. rileere Ag~nds; then to make a confcience. ofiioingrhem; a:ndtocall our [elves · t?. atco~n~ ?.f ~hat ~aha:v~'?:~~d, w~a:twee ha!edone, til! as Saint . NnnJ:l~ ~~~: