Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

-,-,~8 ________._d~S~~-m-o-n-~--7 l-A7 M_& __ s_I_.YI~e~rye~e~2~2-.---------_ Ia'?es-his ter~e. is, we fi.nde 'our le~ve~ to be doers. ofthe ll>~ Satnt lames-p1s terme was, the .-verbum mjitum, the IDgrafted 'li>ord bav his fruit in a ll>ork.e fuitable to the feed orfien, it came of. And this i~ the Summe of his Caution-. I I. W~at if \ve doe tbus, what then? So doing, faith Saint iames wee Theedg•.of lliall doe wifely, and makefure worke; in fayingthat,Not doinu [ 0 · we lhe CAUtion, a 11 b b ·z . r.z . F . d d h r. h ' I I 6 ) orthemcon• 1a ut egweour 1 ews. or m ee ,t 01earet eonery Jearers tbatare -v.•i•··~·. doers roo :The other, that arehearers onery; as good not h~are; for when · 1 ·'1Jmwmg. all is done, d~i'!g mufl do it.That is plainefl, that Scripture tell~th us how it .tball goe atlafl : They tl~at halle done good, Jhallgoe into life e)!erlafting; Iohn s. 2111 • and they that l>alle done elltll,goe (I need not tell you) you know \vhither well enough. , . . This ~ery thing had 'Dallid faid long before of the ll>ord; .Agood Pfal.rrr. 1 o, tmderftandmg haw all tbey that doe thereafter. ,And fo had our Sa)Ji. our [hrift, who faith of him that hearetlJ and doetb; that hee approveth Mat. 7·24· himfelfe for awife builder. Which is that and nothing elfe; which Saint lames here implieth, that they make a found conclufion, or rnie Syllo~ gifme. , . . . . . . Mac:7•. 26, As, on the other fide, fi1ppofing they doe it not, they be foolifo huil.: Ma[· 5 ·' 3 · ders, foolifh Virgins (faith CH R 1sT:) f<1ith Saint lames, they fall in– to a flat fallacie, or Paralogifme: aredecei'lled by a peece ofthe Devils fo.: phillry. And the Apoltle could not pofsibly devifetofpeakemorefit!y, or to give his cautio1! a better edge. Fq_r,<thefe great bearers, nothing fo much nettles them, as to be counted men deceilJeJ, "fmwife, or ollerjeene. Men are deceiwd for want of knowledge : They reckon themfelves the on~ly people, as if knowledge foould dJ,e TPitb them. And, being men!l>– /edge,confeguently freeJl: from error, ofany men alive. They pittymuch theblindnej]e ofthe former times :but as for them, they fee light cleerely,. and are not deceilledyou may be fure. Therefore this feemeth·very firange i:6 them; and in evill part they muJl: needs take ic, to bee holden for men deceilled. The mo:e it moveth them, the liker it is to worke with them • and therefore Saintlames the rather choofeth it. It i; the courfe, the Holy Gbofl ihll keepes with them.For fuch were in our Salliozm tinie,the Pharifees. None,fuch men ofk.nawledge,as tbey:cbey wereknowledge all over:in their{ore-l1ead,at their TPrifts, down eo the very fri~!/and skirtsoftheir garment.Notwithilanding,upon this very P?int of N., on fociunt, our Salliourj Chrift lets not to call them fooles and blmde, though they took themfdves to be the onalyEagles ofthe world.Even fo were thofe in the Pfalme, \vhen they ha.d heard theLaw, Sabbochafccr ~abb~th, forty yeares together, yet (faith he) It u apeople tbat dotb erre , mthetr hwts• for all that : andt~ough the~have l!ea;d [? l~ng,yet they ~~~~~ ~o~ my '!,4)~~~ ~~~ ~!e~ f~ ~~~~ ~~~l,~~~h f~~~ ~n h~~ ~Ime,;::~