Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

.. ""::'- ofthe Joingo(the VVord. .~ghhe termes aln~ayes learning_,.continually hearing, Hill at Sermons; yet for all that he: faith, tl1ey neller came to the knowledge ofthe truth : Not the ~rue knowledge, which confifleth in.the pra~ice; but a kinde ofjangling z Tim. 3.7: knowledge, and holdipgof oppofi~t on, whtch he call et~ knowledge falf . , lyfo called. Therefore;for all thetr Sermons) and all thetr Le8ures, ade: 1 T 1 m· 6 • 20 J . ceipt there is certainly. - . ~ For let us examine it. Ifthat which is IJeard, be thereforeheard that it may be done, and it be not done, a deceiptthere is: fomebody there: is deceived, light where it will. Now, there be but three in all, that parties to it :. 1 Go.o,. z the Preacher, 3 and the Hearer. One ofthc:fe it mull be. . . . :. . 13e~ not deceiwd (faith the Apoflle) God is it&t ~1eck.ed: No decei11ing of Ga!.6.Sl Him. I~ is not He fure. ' Then it is 'll>e : So one would thinke; fo thought EfaJ : AIM (faithhe) ECay 49. 4; lhaye labonredi11 rvaine, I ha11t fpeu.t niy Strength i11 rvaine, I finde I amdecei- :ved:· But he receives anf\ver ofGod, it was not fo. That neither he had preached the 'll>ord, nor rhe 111ord he.had·preached, had beene, or fhould . .be in rvaine. For himfelfe; thathi:r reward ))JMwith God; whether the hea•. Verfcs: .rer profi~ed or no. Fer the 'll>ord that, as the rt~ilie or p10w going forth, it Efans· !r; jhould not returne empty 1l1ithout hi:r effe8s. . ' . Which.anfwer toB{ay, \vas it which put comfort in Saint Pl!ul: that ':Jllere hi:r preaching tl1e fa-vour oflife; or ofdeatb;. bothwayes, lt 'll>M in h'im fmelling fa11~Ur, ;tccepte4 of Go o; And if neither G oo, nor :Cor~~.~~~ '.lhe Preacl1'er 1 th<:nmu.ll thedeceipt fall on the Hearer : and he it is that i~;decei-i.ed: . , > = 1>eceiwd? Wherein, or how? many wayes. 1 And firJl, in grofly T)'lillaking the very nature. of Sermons. ·vpon A11diunt & non faciunt, .~~chiel faith plainely of thofe in his dayes; they feemed to reckon df Sermons, no othe.rwife than of SongJ : to give them the IJearin~, to com– mend the aireofthem, and fo let them goe. The Mufik.e ofa{ong, and the fl\.hetorique ofafernt9n, all is .one. A foule error, even in the very na– ture ofthe wwd : for;·that i's aLaw, aTeftament, and treitherfang riorJon- . · net. ALaw, enacted to bedone. Fdrjidhallnotfervethe t/mi cbildren,co I>'an.'3.s; : fay of Nebuchadne:z:.ars Law, They had heard it proclaimed ftorn point eo point : but ~oe it they rimH; or into the furnace ; for fuch is the nature of . a Law. ATeflament: which, thoughit be but amans (as Saint Paul faith) Gal+ is! ~ufl: beexecuted l and we are compellahle to the execution ofit: arid to 9 o J> s much more~ . To fpeake but according tothe Metaphdre in r:heV'erfe before: It is Vcrfn!~ ~ plaine !lliflaking ofthe ')liord(whichis, as Seed in afoile,or asaSie1i · Jn a fl.,ck.e) to take it for a ftak.e in ahedge, there to llicke arid JlandlliH; . and briog for1h nothing. Or; according to theMetap/Jorein the Verfe. Verfc 2 f~ next after; where it is termed aGlaffi, which' we thould looke in, ta. ~e~ ~mew:hat by; to take away fome fpot,to mendfomewha~ amilfe~ Nnn~n z: ~()'