Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

ofthe doing ofthe VVord, none better; I fuppofe; Ifwe mtill: be dece~ved ;~fanothe_r; ofany other• rather than of Ol)i: fel VC:S. for, he that decel)letb h1mfelfc:; IS both the Je. cei"vedand the·deceiver too. Thedeceiwd may bepittied: thedecei'Ver is ever to beblamed : Therefore,he is utterly without excufeJ that is the author of his ownedecei'Ving.And there is no man pittieth him,but every one niock– eth him, and takes up Prover.bes over ?im,offel{edo.efelftlJa'Ve, and I wot not what. So that, this ofall other~ ts the wodt 1 To be decci'Ved ~ .. . ,. To bedecei'Vers : 3 To be their otvne dccei)Jers. . · .. . - Will ye fee anexampleofthis, that they do\ butdecei'Ve themfel'Ves > 'that build uponAuditores tahtr~m? You may, Luc.t}. where you fhall re: fome, that upon their bare!Jearing, bare thcmfelves very confidently, as ifthey could by no meanes be decei'Ved in it,and yet they were. CH R t s T faith tothem, Nefcio tvos. They thinkevery ll:range of that fpeech; and . reply, Lord, 1vhy !Jaft not thou preached in our ftreets, and ha'Ve not 1l>e b~iird Lukex3; 2~~ tlm du~, :and never miffed? Well for all that,for all theirhearing,he telleth them againe, Nefcio rvos. Though He had fee~e them at never fo many Sermons, He taketh no notice ofthem, by their oeing, or !Jearil~there; but by their dolng afterward. : By which it appeareth, that upon this very point, they prorriifed themfelves very much; but found at !all:, they had but decei'Ved tbemfel'Ves. . . And (which is worll ofall) found it then,when itwas too late;when no Writ oferror could be brought; when it was pall time, and they n~ '!!"ay to be teleeved. · And yet to goe further~ Ifthis deceipt of tbemfelws wete in fomc light matter, ofnogreat importance; lt \vere fdmuch themote tolerable;' but fo it is not, here.The lafl: words ofthe lafl: Verfe, are (as you remcm· her)fal'tJare anim.u rveftras: fo that,it is a matter of ja"Ving our foules;a mat•: ter asmuch as our foules or falvation are worth. Lifeor 'DeatlJ; Hea'VenJ or lfell; no ldfe_matters depend upon our being decei'Ved here. Things ~hich.mollofall;'it concerneth us,not to be deceiwd in. - . : "' One point more, and fo an e1,1d. They will behearers ofthe1vord,and not doeit : what fay you to this, that when they have beenehe~rers onely all their life long,they fhallin the end, be forced to bedoers; and oloefs ofthat 'll>ord,which leall ofal) others they would doe: Is not this evidently to be Jecei'Ved tbemjelws? In the Prophetleremie theyfay, Tbey"iiiil/j,i'Ve God the Ier. xil.i d; hearing,but not doe any of Hisll>ords: But,they fhall not goawaywirh itfo. For> when they haV'e done what they can, they fhall findethemfelves de~ cei'Ved in that too. A1l>ord there is, they fhallnot heare only, but heareand doe, whether they will or no. And, what is that word? Even 'Difcedite · nJalediEli inign"" .ttenmm. For, they that will do none elf~; that,they flta.l Mac: 25 ; 4 a doe: and fulfil/ that Commandement that breake all the rell.And,who is able · to fulftU,nay, to abide that '!Vord? Who can endure to gowhither that will fend hitn ? Ofall )JJords, thi.tisJurri!fermo, nay ilur.ifl'ftd, the hardeJ.ho roim 6 ~~~ · Joe ofall :·betterdoeany, yea, better doeall, -than dikthlt~ , · Nnnnn 3' Y6tt