14.2 A Sermon preached, &c. ---. You _fee then, ~hatan edge theApoftlehath.fet upon his adl>i~~ great an tnconvemence they runne themfelve.; mto, that behearers onely Which if it be intollerable (as fure, it is) it will import us, to take heed t~ theCaution, that fo we may avoid thi> double edge. Fidl: thenJ that we doe as wedoe,heare flill. For, IJ3ene-focitis Attrn~ ~~ - Yet not eo be carried a\vay with the common error, that Sermon• 1Jearing Js theConfummatum eft ofall Chriflianity; and, lo we hearcourSer: mons duly, all is fafe, more needs not. But, to refolve with our felves,thac onely will not doe it: fomew~at theremufi be bcfides. And when all is done it mull: be FaElores roerbt: · Laflly, that we may (ifwe pleafe) entertaine other opinions touch~ ing this point; but they will deceive us, and we in holding them, bede. ceilled. And that, inamatter ofgreat weight and confequence : which then we f11a!l finde and feele, when it will be too late to helpe ir; Then, that hearing, and not doing, we !hall in the end beforc~dboth to heare and to doe a word, the heaviefl: to be heard, and theworll: to.' bedone, ofall others. Therefore,that we fee to it in time, andkeepc theCatltton, that we may ;woide the penalty. WhkhAlmigh: ty Go P open our eyes, that we mayfee,&c~