• ,'f I PSAL. LXXXII. VER. I; D .E. v s !tat in Synagoga Deorum : m medio Deo~ judicavit. The Greefit; word for word, the fame; ~ Goo flandeth in the Congregatirm of Princes." • ' 1 · b or, in the ,Affembly ofthe Gods; 'or, oftheMighty~ In themidfiwillhejudge the qodr. Wbicl> 11>as tl>e Pfoltnefoli tl>e day, viz. the XVI. day oftTie month, onTllliicb daj theParliament "ll>M firft begun. - 'D ftandeth in tl;e Congregation ofPrincesJ Ofa CongregationofPrinces is this (as you have heard.) And behold; fucb aCongregation (AndGod, Itrull:; in it.) Andwho then can doubt . this Pfalme is for this Jay. . · The "ll>ords (fure) feeme to favour iti 'hel't/ernuchrntore.whichhathevergone For, Handing the Policie of the Cam~ Writers tell us,) when ought was tobedone, Nn n ri n 4 fo~ ;;TbePfthe'. #TheGene~ fJ4. ~The Nno 'TrllllfiAiioll,