Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

.ASermon preached, for cho~fing their il{_ulers, for placing t?em andgi11!ng them their charge: but fpectally ,when there was any meetmg ofthem,tn their Synagog.t mag' na, thdr great Co,lgregatio~, this was ever the Pfalme before they fat; downe. Purpofely fet (as 1t feemeth) for theAjfembly, to lot them in tune; For that endJet : and to that endever ufed. . · It was Mojes the man ofOod,that by fpeciall direction fromGodHifu; felfe, 'Deut.19. began and brought up this order firll:, ofmakingmensdutj intomujik.e; putting it.inte tlleir moutbes, that fo, with the fweetnejfe ofme;. lady it might be conveighed into their mindes. And 'David fincecomiou.· ed it, and brought it to perfeCl:ion, as having a fpeciall grace and felicitie j he for a Song, and his fonneSalomon for a Proverbe : By '"';hich two (tti; un/Jappy Adage, and a 11>antonfang) Satan hath ever breathed inoll: ofhis in. [eflio1J and poifon, into the minde ofman. . . · Now in this holy and heavenly ufe ofhis harpe, He doth by his tunes (as it were) teachall forts of men, how to tune themfelves. And there is no eflate whatfoever, but in this~ookehe fweetly Jingetb their duty into them. Imo his Court, Pfal.tor. and fo feverally, intothereft. And here ll5>W, in this Pfalme, how to prefe~ve harmony inaCongregation: .. -.· . Tlu Divi}ion OfwhichP[alme this is the fidl..Verfe, the:k.ey, and the Compendiutn of thewhole. And thus we divide it. 1. Into two Parties, firll:. 1., Into tiP(), AfJs, fecond. Two P4rties, r the firft word ofit is God, Ootl in thefingu~. lar : 2 the lall is Gods, Godsin theplural!: thefe twoParties are diilina:~ 1 onefrom another, ~ oneabo)le another. I Goo tiJatftandetb, from the Congregation Heftandethin. :z. Go~ that judgetl>, from and above: theGods whomHe TPiO iudge. The Gods wee confider two wayes, as the word is twice repeated ; 1 'Deorum, and •'Deos. 1 In Synagog~ :Deorum,and >In medio 'Deos• .:J)eo-. r!tm, in theCo11gregatioll •'Deos out of it. If you will, thus: Into the; 1 Gods oftiJe Congre.zation, and the 2 Congregation of the Gods. . , . Now of the firft God in and upon the laft Gods<~~ and in and upon the Congregation ofthem, tTPo afJs there are [et downe, 1 His flanding, •Hi§ Judgement. I In the (911gregatio11, He ftands : Stat in Synagoga 1Jeort1m: ~ 2. Out ofit theGods He 11>ill judge : 'Deosjt~dicabit (thatis)call them to accompt (everyGod ofthem :) and even upon this very point, how th~y carried themfelves before Himjlandi1~ in the Congregation. 1 Thi~Be 'Wtll doe : and doe it in media not in a corner, but bring them forth mto the midst, and doe it in the vi~W ofall. In media 'Deos judicahit. _ , .The Order lieth plaine. 1 OftheGods, fidl, ~Then,, ~f th~Congrt•; g~tion ofthem. After, of Go o; 1 His ftandin~,a?d ~ HuJtid~rng~Stan• d11zg now. 'Dem flat ~ Iudoin• herea~'ttr. 'Demjudtcabtt. Iudgmg., even > , • o "'' ~· , d fc • , the Gods them(elves. And that z in media, that all the worl may ee lt1 1 ~ In thewhole courfe ofour lives,we may have good ~:~fe ()fthefe two. · - ·· - - - ·· :z. Bu~