Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

tlt the opening ofthe Parliament. But thePfalmifl: feemeth to thinke, not at any time fo g~od, as at tlJir. · Therefore, what ever elfe flip you, my defire i~, thefe two may flicke ,with you, and be ever ih your mindes all the S~tonlong. Two they be; andjhort ones,andplaine ones they be (but two~o.rds a-pcece) 1 Dewflat, :~ 'DeU5 judicabit : I G~d doth Jlm1d, and >God "Did/;ud,ge. 1 'Dot!J stand for the prefent; 2 And, will iudge, will take a time tocall each parry to arecku~ !ling,for'hrery thing fhall here paffe. · . ' r The taking to heart; a true imprefsion· there of there t1vo, cannot f>ut doe much good, keepe all in truemeafore, timearid tune. 2 The ~no. rantibU5 Of110nrecordantibU5 ofit (as it is at the fourth Verfe) like enough toput all out of courje :while men runne on and carry things away before them,adftherewere nejudicare in the Creed,as ifthey fhould nev~;r come ~o accompt againe. . ·· Ichath beene thought, there needeth no more tomake agood Parli,i; inent, but thedue recordingofthis Verfe. It will ferve as a "Direft to tune, and to [et all right; To fee G0 D, I Firfl: standing, and then 2 jud,gil(g, be:: fore our eyes. · , Butfpeciallyflanding: For, if":e fhallregard Hi'? well, when He' flands, we fhall never need to feare Him, when He;udges; and then I fhall never need to trouble you, with that part. The regard then ofGods flanding, t:o be our onely care for the prefc:nt, and we to commend it t~ your care; and fo to conclude. · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~m~~~~~~~~~~~ QF the Gods firfl:. And firfl on our part.; chat bemen : After, on theirs ·~ that be theGods. · The rwCi On our parts : Whenwe reade, and weigh well with our felves, this ~%rin. . high terme artd title ofGods, given to them that arc in authority; wee rb:c~":.~f lcarne,To hold them for Gods, to owe and to beare all reverend regard to garion. . th_eir Pla~es and Peifons. And above all, highly to magnifie fuch .Affim- ~/t,r~,~~s _biles as this. So taught by thePropf,et here; Who once and twice, over eo the G•di; :idd over againe, fo fl:ilcth them, ·their per[o11s themfelves 'Deos. their I ,{(, b/ h . J ' '.A 11 em ry, Synagogam 'Deor,um. In t eCongregation they are fo: Out or it, c. they are fo, 'Addetothefetwo,a thirdyer, more autlienticall (and it is in Ver e 6 l this Pfalme too :) TheProp/,et fpeaketh here; Go o Himfel(e, there, Ego Jixi ·dii tftu, This faith our SAv 1 ouR (Tob.1o.35·) is Jerm~ 'Dei. The other tw,o may feeme to drop out ofthePropbets penne, but this came ~rom G o' D s owne mouth :the more (fay I) to bere~arded. And this IS not Old teJlament casd.ay our AnabaptiJls.) Our blejjed Sal>iour, in the ~e~, co~m~~t~upon.~hef~:·~ords (the beJl_ ~ommmter,that eve~ was) and two