Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

146 eA' Sermon preached things he eels us. 1 One, we thought it to be but aPfalme, Hetels us it i · Tohn to. H· Law,NonneJcriptum eft in Lege~ And fogive; it the force ofaL 4111• 2 Tsha lohnlOoZ5· h h . . . b' d' L Jl.'ll r b' d' h N ft e ot er! t :tt tt tsa m mg arv m : 10 tn mg t at on pote johi (the be Hts owne Words) it cannot be loofed. Was not by Him. nor ea 'J by any other: And [o, is in full force llill. , n, 1 Pet.~. IS. _ Thefe than, 'Dii, 'Deorum, and 'Deos, are not S. Peters ..;,..;f')'•~"<7.,:.,7~. fi~e~ingTvords ofrvanity. This is not to give titles, but of GoDs own~ ,grvmg: Nor to fay one fyllable more than Go o bath faid before us Said it mull b~, t~a: God hath[aid, who never gives titulum fine tJ{_e. s; they are by Htm mtttuled : and fo they are. . · '{et not to But I take it my dtJty not to keepe from you, that all that arecompri~ ho~ all t~1 fed here under 'Dii, 'Deorum, and 1Jeos are not all Gods alike. No: inthi~ 9• 1 equ • God-head, Some are before or a(ter·other, S1me aregreater and lejfer than ano~ Rom. 1 3 .z. ther. ::f11ere are Jome higher than ot/Jer (faith Salomon, Ecclrf. 5-Il.) And there 1 ~ct.>.I3· are otiJersyet higher than they. For t/Je Powers that are, are by God, both or~ ilained, and(et in order (faith Saint P~ul.). So in ord'er, (faith Saillt Petef) as there is one .J>r•Pix"'' and that (he fatth) Is the f\..mgbynamefupereminene abo1Je tl1e reH,and the refl ab eo mi(Si,have their mijfio11 1 and commijfion from 1Jim. Many Superiors, butoneSo11eraig11e. . _ : Egodixi, wasfaid toall; but not toaDat once. To fomeone, before the rc:ll: even to 'Da11id, to whom before thewriting ofthis1>jalme. ~~Sam.tJ-3- Coo (faith he) e-ven theflrmgth of 1jraelJP4k.e to me andfaid; Thou jhalt beare rule o"Ver men. Nor did all the Jonms ofthe moft H~b· (as they ~re after called at theJixth r-verfe) come into the world, at one time. There was Primogenitus interfratres: Of whofc Primogeniture <it. ·birt!Jright, this was a part, Genefis 27.29. IJ3e thou Lord o1Jer tby brethren; and let tf,y mothersJonnes bow Ulltothet. And take even the wordSynagog.t: Never was thereSynagogueheard of, but there was an Archijjnagogus, a. ~~cl~ . . . N._a:z;,ianz:;.en fpeaking ofMaginratel as ofthe Images ofGod, and for~ ting them , compareth the hig!Jeft to apiEfure drawne clea11e through downt. to thefeet; Themiddlefort,to halfe piEfures draw11e but to tbe girdle;The lollf) eft, to thofe fame Idyllia, no further but tothe neck. andjhoulders. But all in fome degree, carry the image of God, as all have the honour tO'be-called by His Name. This for our parts. Now for theirs,theGods. . . •The duty What infer we ofthis? Nothing, but that, what they are, theywoul~ ofthe gods: be: ha"'Vi110 obtained fiJ excellent aName they would be even what rhe1r Tobeu o J' ' h Id G d 1 they be cal- name bodeth. They that weare Gods name, o o sP~ce, repre• ~ed, Gods, fent His perfon; 'II>IJat manner perfons ouzl)t t/Jey to bee : ChOice perfons ~~b~:4. they would.bee; taken, as the fat from theJacrifice; having_more fparb ~pet. P 1. of the 1Jeitie, a larger portion of theJPirit of God, more hvely expref., Gen.t.z6, fing the image and fimilitude whereto man was made, than t~e rclt. If A-8:s J•· 11. it were pofsible, fuch, as ~fthe~ might be faid in cheLycaontan tongZJ. Q~d~ ar~ ~~~~ ~OI!II_: !~ 14§ 1 1_11_ ~l_~ ~~ene)Je of"!!.'!.~ ~L_l!c, ~~cyt4a~are ~Js __ ___.