at the opening.oftheParliament. , (omewhat morethari men they.would ?e; as like, come as neere rem no. minio, the truth ofthat they are named; as humane frailty will permit. . But have they beene ever fo : l 'canriot fay it. Ajfemblies there have Yet bavci ' . beene a .Abimelech had one : and b Roboamhis ,·and Jeroboamhis. But.Abi they nobc • 1• • ' ' 1 • • • • way~s eenc melecb, with his needy indi,gent Sicbemites : ,rJ?...oboam, With hisyoutb,that ne- fuch. 11er .Hqod before Salomon : c Ie'roboam, "'~ith his crue ofmale~ontents, Sons of b !"i~:~ -:: .. !Be/tal, flull I call any ofthefe Synagoza 'Deo;nm : ,r cannot, I fee no linea. s. ments, no refemblance at all, nothing, for which this name fhould once c 2 Chro. 13, bevouchfafed them(ofGods.) Nay,nor fcarce ofSynagoga neither; as de. 7~ ferving, not only to be lelt out ofthe lift ofGods,but even to be put extra Synagogam. Scarce aSynagogue, rriucli leffe ofGods. . . . After, in this Pfalme, atthe V. Verfe, they are told as much, when by their ignorantibris, or non intelligentibu$, things weregroum~out ofcourfe. And told it by G0 D Himfelfe, and that with a kiride ofilzdignatiQn,that He had (aid they 1vere Gods, and they carried themfelves fcai:ce like men: gone from their names quite- . . . ,· . . .. Butlleavethem,and come to this ofours. There is not in the world But ours we a more rea[onab!erequefl than this, 1}1/;at JOII 111011ld be, that to bee: 1!Jhat t~h tobe you -rvould in iiame, tbat to be in deed; to make good your n4me. , Every uc ~ one i:o _be Homo, f,omini 'Dem, by doinggood: fpecially, thatgood which is thegood of all, that is; thegoodofthis .Ajfembfy. .. This the time and place for it._, And; fo my "'}}ijh is; youmay, and my tmft is you ~ill. . And (o I leave 'Deor11m; theGodSofthe Congregation : andcometoSynagoga, the · Congregatioti it fdfe. · · . Fo~ wh~n ~veconfider thefe Gods each ~part, they are as inEz.ecl,iel, I f.' E'llery .JJ:irit ot!. his"'}}heele, and e'llerj .~heele in,hio ownecot~rfe,when they are Th7 C•fcb•; at int~eir ~verall, CO~ntries. Bui:when as in a [ongregation,i:henare f;::i:. 0 the they tocomeand to be together. , . , ., ,. , , _ Ezek. z.'2o: . And this (if i:aufe be) Goo allowcth well of. 1: For he hath eo G•da"l!ow- . that end left with HisLieutenant; apowerd to blew the gumpets; oneor both · erhli,~hC•~-' to cali higethet apart, or the 11Jbole Congregati;1i. , By the Tnimpets, whil~ ~}f;~";'b~~ they were all withirithe Trumpets found: Butafcer; when they were iscaure. · fetlc:d ~~~ ~ailaa~l o':e~, t'? by the penne o(the "'}}ri~er (that is, by dNum.~~~ Wrtt :) 0~which we have a faire example; Iudg. 5·I4. .. 2. Forfecond. ly, He batE j;il/ed t/,e Angels of His Church, by the Angels example (ludg.5; ::r3.j to lay Meroz.'s 'curfe to thmi that come not to it; . 3· For thirdly; Hee heere calletf, their meetiJg by the nanie o{Sjnagogue, which is :i Hsly place, aSanctuary, a Higf, place, or Court of refuge, (m,V figriifies allthcfe.) <j..For fourthly, He hath to that end fpared.rhemapeece ofHis o~yneTemple; . . to have their meetings id, e On theJoutb fide of it; called twice by the n Chro.26, name of Afuppim (which was to them; as tl1e Parliament-hou[e is to us) ' 5 ! ~ha~ fo ~hei~ fe~t might fiand o1i hol] ground; ~nd they knevv them- - - --- -- -- -·- - . - - fol'!_~~