Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

-~-+~8-,--~----~--~A~S~e-rm_o_n_p-re-ac~h-ed~------------- fel·m to be,no ~i1j) common or prophane,?uc_n,.vafacred <Jjfen~ ~. For.fifthly,He hath fet them here a~om~oneP falme ofthis,c_o put thelfl m mmde, how to beare themfelves m It, hke Gods (that 1s) 1Ji-vinel · 6. For !all:when they a_re together,He comes Himfelfe inperfan andflan~; among them. All wh1ch fhew,He favours and likes well fuch AjJemblier ;; as this. .. • The e•ufo •f But then, there mufl: be aCnufe : And indeed, elfe it is [oncuifus aio~ the meeting morttm, rather than Congregstiodeorum. Thus many, fogoodryaCompa– ~;!';,.~i~~s~ ny to meete to no end, GoD forbid. lf theApoftle had not, Nature fi Cor.u. doth teach us, f W/mz ~e COI~t together, to come togetherfor the better notfor 1 Z· the Tvorfe. And nothmg IS worfe, than to come together for notl 1 ing. giudg·S· I6 Better (as 'Debora faith well) g Hay at home, and heare the bleating of their floc/v. This be.farre from any .Ajfembly; fpecially the A./Jembly o/tlJe Gods, who arehereinto imitate Goo, whodothnothinginvaine or without a caufe. ' This catlfo Ifyou aske me the caufe, the two words themfelves, Syndgoga and ' orttm, containe either ofthem a caufi of it. As aConqre<>ation, for the xne rom . 06 Syna,goga. good ofthe Congregation: As Gods, [aUtU 'Deorum [.etus Dei (faith Saint ~The other Bieron.) the Congregation ofGods is Go o"s. Congregation : As ,Hi!, for ~~~11,., Him,for His honour, who gave them theirs; to the high pleafureofthac G0 D, whofe Ego dixi Goded them all. And fo (as I remember) it is written In capite libri, the firll: page, orfrollt ofyo11r aEls, To the l1igh plea. fure of.AlmiglJt) God (there, Io, is God) and for tbe llJeale pr~blike (there is the [ongregation .) Not this onely here, the Congregation ofGods 1 but the Congregation ofmm (I know not how many) all the Landover, even the great Congregarion. 1 Y:romSJnLearne a Parable of the Natural/ '13ody. Jfthere be no othercaufe,' ~g~g~ when each Member is left to looke to it felfe; but ifthere be any danger toward ~~:::n danthe 1vhole body,prefently all theparts are [ummoned(as it were)to come together, and everyVeine fends his bloud, and eve~y ji1ze1v hisflrength, and everyarterie hisJPirits, and all draw together abQUt theheart for awhile, till the faf~y of thewhole be provided for; and then returne backe,eve– ry one to hi~ place againe. So is it with the 13ody Civill, in cafe ofda11ger 1 The da•ger and nevot but injc. oftwo !ores Bm i'$ there any danger then towards ? There is, and that toboth. 1 g•Jw•ne. To theSynagogue firfl:,and that from a twofo/d. Synagogue,and oftwo forts: ;ecr.~f~,~ ... 1 One continuall or ordin~rie: 2 The other not fo, butj}eciaUand upon fo• 0· d' occajion. The da,nger, this Pfalme exprdfeth thus (Veife V.) That things 1 r· mary, 1 ,j:· 1', d · l "~"b b b I BySJn•g•g4arebrougJtout,o 1 courje, yea, 1 otm attons anda/, ~· us: r ere e( may vitioru.,.. call ehem aSynagoi>ue for they be many)ofthefe famemali mores,rhadike '.Zcxm•IM 6 ' h .m.,.ibm. tubera terr.;:, fhoot out dayly, no !Dan knowes whence, or ow; never · hea,r~ of before: Thefeif they be (~ffered ·togrow, will bringall aut_of cou1je. Andarowtheydoe. forevenofthem fomethathave penaltze; ~!re~dy fee (I kno~ n~~ h<:)~) tu~~ a ~e~d they get, ~S. ~hey outgro.~ chetir pum1mne~ r