at the opening ofthe Parliament. lf-9 'funifhmwts: that if this Congregation grinde not on a new and a fharper ~dge, they will bringthingsset further out of(ourfe• .Bdides, thofe that fhould keepe all in courfe; the Lawes themlelves are bE:x ltgibm, in danger too. There be a fort of ~en (I ~ay ":'ell fay of~he Synagogue of depr.rlwin Sata11) that give their wayes,and bend their WitS to nothmg, bm even to devife, how eo fret through the Laum, as foone as they be made ; as it ~erein fwrrie ofthis Congregation, and ofall the Gods in it. Thefe goeto the(oundadons(for [o,are the Lawes;)undermine them and_in a fort,though afrer an other manner, leek to blow up all. Great pitty,but thisCongrega. tion here fhould looke well to thefoundations ofall. Great pitty, that it fhould be o'l!ercome oftiJeir e'Vill, but that their el'ill fhould be o'Vercome ofour Rom. u.~x; good, and this ofyours goe beyond them. It is not to gde through alL Generally, ~idpopulo; quod ~et~ what I Sam.I r. theCongregations ofmen have jult caufe to complaine of, theCongrrgatioil I r~ of Gods fit to redre!fe. Whatfoever Synagoga Satan<~! per malos mores, Thefe to be doth put out; Synagoga 'Deorum, per bonM Leges, is to fer in joynt againe. hel~~d with And that is th.: proper worke ofthis Ajfembly, to makeLawes. And goo arm. properly the worli.e of God: Hu 1vorke, at Sinai, and at Sionboth. A,nd in truth; "/ hat there u but one Lawgi'Ver, and that io God (faithS. lames~ 0JaP+Ver.l2.)A;, till Egodixi, nll then, there was but one Goo: but together with His Name, He imparted alfo Hu power ; and made you a (ongregation of Lawgiwrs, and of Gods , both at once. A high Power; the highell:in earth, fave one: Next to the Scepterin Iudas band, is the·Lawgiwr betwewe bis feet, even with Iacob. And lo with ~alo- Gen.49. 10; mon: Afttr Per me il{eges regnant, prelently followes Et Legum condztom Prov. s. 1 ~. jufta decernunt; To this fo high a worke, a wholeSynagogue of wif. dome is little enough; to' bring into courfe that is out, to fee the foundations fall, againfl: this Sy_nagogue of Satan: And this lo, is the ordinarie ~ndcontinuall danger, I fpake of. . But for all this danger, we might well enough fl:ay a lona 0 er time and v li · , 2 pon pe· not come together; there is no fuch prefent ha!te to meet with that. There: ciall occafion. is another (I take it) more preffing,as I [aid before, upon a more fpeciall B~ s,~agog« d r: ,r; 'jj b I k . · h p•r. msmscorHIN. ;;;n pre1ent occa 1 1on. W1 you ut oo e over mto t e next 1 alme following, into the beginning ofit? there, you fhall find another Congre. 'gation, a fecond, cafling tiJeir beads, and confederate together, able to put 11 _ foundatioiu and all out ofcourje. And then he reckons up a rabble ofrhem. ~:!reJ:3· Edomites: th~ Edomites .firlt, and you know what they cried,Exinaniteuf P"·l · {. , p . /f. . d h dT(, '" ·137·7• quead 1 undamenta, pwztiJal , 1 oundatzonsan all :t eEdomites,an ~maelites, and Moabites, and .Agarenes, Gebal, and .Aimno11, and Amalek. And at lafl:, A .Our alfo w.u ioyned wit/1 tbem : (Ajfur, that even then, purpofed; and after aid eat the·m all up one after anorhet; yet he was then joyned with them.) Such a Congregation (it is faid) there is now abroad, and what will they doe? No harme; bring nothingo:ztofcourfe (they fay.) But it ~ill be the wifdome ofthis (ongregation, robe provided for them · · ·· Ooooo if . .