150 11 Sermon preached , --- ifthey fhould not do as they fay : This Pfalme !lands before t~t h' C . b b c h d . h' h • ' a t IS ongregattolt may e erore- an , Wit t at. Peace and per{eEt amity to be wifhed before all: (no man doubr f . kom.IZ.IS. that:) Ifit bepofoble, M mucluu in mlietb, peace 'With all men. But ,p:4~e will be had,with never the lelfe aifurance,and with never the worfec ditions, ifthe (ongregatior!,be well appointed, that feeke it. · 011~ And this is the fecond worke o~· tb~ Congregation (if not ~he firf/.} Therefore (it may be th.ought) at th1s tt~e ca_lled together, that there may be Mnltttudo Confilu, foundly to adv1le ofIt. andMultitudo AuxiC roundly togoe through with it. The Text intends this ofhelpe fpeciaJI11~ for, in fome tranOations, it is tbe Congregation ofthe Mighty; but howf~~ ever, the very name is taken from ~N, that Name of Goo, that isgi)lm Him for His ftrmgtb and Power. Ofthofethat areMighty andfocan !hew them!elves, ofthofe is tbis Congregation. Ever remembring this, that they whoaffemble for anEnd, affemble alfo to devife how to fur. nifh meanes to compaffe that End: (and indeed,oftheEnd properly ' iuLr4 13. w~confult not, but ofthemeanes rather.) Our Sa)!iourChrift, fpake with H1s owne mouth, Who wt!l e)!er refol1Je $tpon Warre, but tbey TPilljit do 11 me firrt, andJet downe whatforces will be needful/! and howmuch they will fland in? and how that is to be had or levied, that (as the !!!ife1~an Gith) a?.!JPondit omnibus; Anfwers, takes order for all. ·· · Ecci.Io.r9; Thus forthe SynagQgue: What for Go o? Therei> no doubt(bleC::. 1 FrvmDco- fed bee God for it) but what Mtfes faid of111da [His owne bands fhall bee rum. Jujficient for Him, if thou Lord belpe him again{Mis enemies]may De laid Dcut.3J·7· ofthisourLand: lfGodlJelpem, fuflcientenot~,glJ. And He will helpe I"dg. 5·' 3· Vs, ifwe helpe Him. Helpe Gad! what a word is that? Even the very word, the Angel/ ufed, when he had laid acurfe uponMero,z,for not com~ ming to helpe tbe Lord : againe, lefi we might thinke it fcaped him, up. on deliberation he faith, to helpe the Lord againjt the miglJty, that is Sifera and Iabins mighty preparations. Ever, where the !ight is, there God is; when that in 'Danger, G 0 D in danger; they that nelpe that,helpeHim; and He will helpe them. If the Congregation, GoD; Gon, the congrtIudg.5 .zo. gatton. They willfight from hea1Jen (then) the ffars in hea1Jen will fight in tbeil' cour{es for t~s, And then it will be an Auxiliarie warre right: And in flgne, that Hewill fo, when they are met together about thefe matters, Goi> comes Himfelfe here in perfon, and ftands among them. Goo, in the Con– gregation of Gods, what more proper and kindly ? And fo much for chc Gods, and fortbeir Congrl(gatio11. The ~!}~.:h Now for the two aEls of Cod : in and upon thisCongregatio1i 'i 1 His I 1 1 Standi1w and a Iud&ing: Firll ;'oyntly . After, a11art: 1. loyntly: They oynt y. 01 O ' ' '1' f b c , Tocorrccr arethoughtto be fedirfl (theletwo) as tzvo CorreEiors o t e tworormer, •n: word 'Deorum and 'Deos !efl: the Gods of the [ongregation f11ou!d bee exalted (Gods.) ' - -· -- - · abo"1 •