----~~----~--~.--------------------------~~--------- at the opening ofthe Parliament~ ;ho-ve meafure with this deifying re)Jelation. Set'ondly, as i:woMarkes of •Jo put a J~ference betweene the firll G o o, and the I an Gods; fo to let them fee ~~~:~::t'; ~hat tnanner ofGods they be indeed, how differin~ from Him. . and God. Go o ftands: Thismay well referretothat in the fixth Veifc ; 13ut G•dft•nd}; ':flu [hall fall. Aftanding Go o; He who oncly Hands, and willftand, the~ fall; when they all jhall fall, and fall even to duft, everyGod ofthem. And this could not be.told us in a fitter place : the place where we £land, is compalfed about with aCongregation of thefe fallen Gods, thefe fame ViE caduci; with Monuments of themortality ofmany a great Elohim in their times. And let me tell you this, that in the Hebi:eW tongue theGra)Je is called a Synagsgueas well as theChurch. All {hall bee gatliered, even the Gods, even the whole Synagogueofthem, into this Synagogue at !all:. So this firil ihewes them, Their Godjhips give them no immortality. Gods : J>ut mortall, and temporall Gods they be. The other is ofjudging. That as they have no exemption from the God juilg"? Jirff llatute, ~ Statutum eft omnibJUJemelmori: fo neither from the fecond, ~~;;.-;;,;;::, Et poll mortemjudicittm. They be 'DiiJub Judice: They be not Gods, abfque aliquo computo reddmdo When they have donejudgingothers, they £hall*Hcb.g·•'i• come to be iudged tbem(elves. 'D1i cadHci, 'Dii iudicandi :Gods char {hall/all, Gods that mnil come tujudgement. From neither of thefe ihallrhcir Godbeadexcufe them; ~ : Thde two then, te\ler them from thefir!l God; the IEternallGod, and tbe Sowraigne Judge o{all And ihew (the one, their judgi11g) that their Glory is norequall; (the other,their falli 4g) that their Majef!y is not co-eter-. ~all, that fo they may undert.land themfelves aright. 'And now to ~andingand iudging, either ofthem apart by itfelfe. Stan~ i 'tling, fidl:. The members ofman, the eye, IJa11d and foot; and theails of Severally: them,Jeeing,doing, ftanding ,are notinG o P (to fpeake properly:) onely ~~ fir!t by them, is noted in God, the efficacieoftbofeails and memberr. By the Th;Mera· t)i, His knowledge: by thehand, His Power: by rhefoot,His Prefence.The ~horofft•J~ meaning then i> firt.l, that God is prefent. It is not enough for Him to t"'8~J, pr<; looke downe from heaven, and behold us afarre off, but he comes and/'""· f!ands here. And not (as in the Canticles) IBeiJinde tl1e 11Jall, and lookes in Cant.o.g; hy tbe grates : but it is even in theAj]embly it felfe, even in theplace \>Vhere the Gods are. ~· Prefent ?Why what great matter is that ? Where is He not pretent ?Nor as ew1 • Sea)Jen and Earth he fils, the earth uHis {ootftoole, where then ftands He"'~'''· · , not? Indeed God is prefcnt in all places; yet not in all alike. In fome by 4 crem. ~;.: a more fpeciall pre(ence, than in otberfome: And among all, and above bECay 63· 1 ' all, there where the Gods are togetl1er. ForthoughGod bee bbth in heaven andearth, yet we [ay["T/Jhich art in Ji~ • 0 . 'bea)Jm ;] intending chat there He is with afar more higl1 andg!orioMprem,;~ }p,Mj fince.And fo,here isBe inamoreeminmtffJYt.For no where on earth dorh m••n•r• · · · -- Ooooo 1t · · - EiJ