Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

rUl Sermon preached Huglory_ !hine, and fbew forrh it felfe, as i~ ~ 11>e!i ordered Ajfemb~ Mat.18.2o. And, tfwhereTivo or tiJree common [lmfl~ans be together inHun 4 m-, th~reis Rein tiJemiddejlofthem; when three orfourehundred andtho~· no common ordinary perjons, but ofHis owne name [Gods] ev:n awho{ Co11gre:;atiors ofthem; (OfHis 'JXame, and m his Name too;) are togethe:· in moll folemne manner af]embled; and to doe His Work.e :ffiall He do~ much more be there,an~ in a much n:ore ex~ellenc :nannerofprejenceco afsill th em ? Yes fure : It touchech His providence 1n the highefl degree · Prifent then: An~ fecondly, the manner of His prejence: jlanding; 2 Cad1 at. And th.:tt is a word of Site. Standing is aJite, and jc is fite of Atten: tion. When We fit and heare ought, that we would liften better to u– we /land and leave Geeing·: So doe we (without the occafion) ufdaui. tentzow. Even tollirre up our felves: For,Jitting \Ve may fall onjleepe. Thin~ fliew we !hall not need to fay eo Him here, as in an other Pf.time, they l'fa!.4p 3. doe, Vp Lord, 11>hy f!eepeft tiJou? For He ftands 1 and they never jleepe. The truth is: to beprefent, as good be abfnit, ifwe doe not imenJ. This chell fbewech God is foprefent, as He· is alfoatienti)!e ;nothing palfes but 'Dea aifante & atteftante; bur He is an eare, nay, an e;e-witncjfe, nay, mored)an that, a l!eart-witne./Je ofall. · Stmlds then : and thirdly, the manner ofHis flanding. Which is (as 3 q.J, P"'f'~ is obferved) ::l~J and that is not the ordinary wozd for flanding, 'IJeMnct. flits; [o /lands' as he will remove : no, but as one fixed, not to !tart. It i~ Statio militaris this, that pitch about their ftandard, not totemove thence; but flil to maincaine and keep their flauding.SoHe, whereyou lea)!e Hlm, youDull be fure to fin de Him, He make it Hsrefl, meanes toflandit out to the yery bll. Thefe three, 1 Prefence, 2Attendance, 3Perft)!erance, be in this ftanding ofRio. Prelenc, for He flands; and flarrding marks: marks, and 11Jil/mark from the beginning to the end. So we, not to conceive ofHim, ' as ifHee Were arv'!! ,' or hereflood and noted not,> or did/or atime, but would lea)!~ offandgi)!e o)!er, and notJland it out. This, for !landing. IV. And, fo long as ic is b?cflan:lingand nomore,it is nog~eatmatter; So • Th<> latter befuffer them to go on qmetly and trouble them not. And mdeed fo long A<t. as Gad doth no more, Hemay be faid eo ftand, and but-even to !land. But . ~;.d$j,dg- (faith theTaxt)w hen Hebath done ftanding,He bath not done.Stayawhile, He not only you flullfee, Hefo jla1ds as He rvill judge alfo before He havedone. _ fl"""'· TheCongregationwill not alwayes fit; nor God alwayesfland.When Th<All. chat is over and pail,che 'Prophet here begins to fee Him up aState,toereCl: 8 ,", ' "''1 1~ H m a Thvoneeo Gt downeand].t{dge in. And then (loe) rhecourfeswill 1'· ~c a <0. fi h d 'ljh a clunge. W!efit now,and He flands: Hewil!ttt en, an wea" a. ftand. .All; Om1usftabim~~& ante Tribunal, 'Before Hu judgementfeat. Hl~ ;; Cor.po. {irfl act (fl41z ding) then to takean end; and his latter act (jud!~~bit) to have I. . ms turne too.